Over 40 infected with COVID at Kingsville restaurant

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The local health unit is investigating a large outbreak at a Kingsville restaurant where more than 40 people contracted COVID-19.

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As of Monday morning, 42 of the approximately 75 people present at the Elite Restaurant (20-22 Main St. W.) between November 18 and December 2 tested positive. The outbreak, which originated from a single social gathering on November 18, prompted a high-risk public exposure notice from the health unit.

Public health officials are asking that anyone who has attended the restaurant on any of those dates immediately get tested for COVID-19 and isolate themselves if they show any symptoms of the disease, no matter how mild. Household members of those who attended should do the same.

“We are very concerned about further spread related to that social gathering,” said Dr. Shanker Nesathurai, Acting Medical Health Officer.

“There may also be some associated with the residences of migrant farm workers. Given that risk to congregational settings, we have asked employers to be particularly vigilant about screening tests to identify people potentially with COVID, so they can be properly evaluated and managed. “


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