Opposition deputies warn about effects of AMLO’s electricity reform

By describing the electricity reform proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador as “aberrant”, the opposition in the Chamber of Deputies (PRI, PAN, PRD and MC) warned that they will not support this initiative, since the economic damage, just for compensation to investors could be 120,000 million dollars, which the country “could not tolerate.”

“The electricity sector reform proposal must be rejected, almost in a distinctive way, it is good that there is analysis, but there is not a single specialist in the energy issue who has not shouted to heaven and repudiated this counter-reform, there is no elements to discuss ”, stated Gabriel Quadri, deputy of the PAN.

By participating in the Legislators’ Table on Benefits or Impacts of the Energy Reform, in the Open Dialogue Forum on the electrical reform, organized by the Coparmex, the legislator of the Alliance for Mexico warned that if the initiative is approved, massive compensation would be generated, “according to experts, it would cost the country between 60,000 and 120,000 million dollars, it would be in lawsuits, appeals, panels and controversies, and break with the T-MEC, TLCUEM and the Pacific Agreement, which would force Mexico to suffer commercial reprisals for the atrocities ”.

Quadri argued that “Mexico could not tolerate (impose a costly reform), after having imposed patrimonial damage on the nation with the cancellation of the airport in Texcoco, that would be the last straw and we would be in a country of madness.”

Elizabeth Pérez, vice-coordinator of the parliamentary group of the FART, regretted that the reform initiative generates enormous damage to the environment and prevents Mexico from complying with the UN’s 2030 agenda. “Instead of approving the reform, (like PRD) force the Federal Electricity Commission to do and move towards sustainable generation and production that help the pocket of Mexicans.”



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