Only facts matter to Washington

The activist turn of foreign policy of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador tenses the mood of some groups here and there, but does not affect the substance of Mexico’s relationship with the United States.

Does anything change about the T-MEC? Stop helping with your immigration policy? Are you opposed to collaborating in the fight against drug trafficking? Does it affect vital US interests? They do not say reports and reports to the White House.

So, the strident Mexican claim in favor of Latin American dictatorships is irrelevant, as it will be if President López Obrador attends the Summit or not, as long as it does not alter the substance of the relationship. It does not change. Knock your selves out, Biden dixit.

The complex and fine art of Tapadism

Perhaps the same forcefulness of the triumph of June 2018 created the conditions so that, despite the denials of the National Palace, the ruling party has revived the process of covertism for its presidential candidacy.

It is a process that only admits one guiding hand, that of the tenant of the National Palace, aware like any ruling majority that its worst enemy is a minority in the government and in the official party.

For this reason, although the premature starting signal showed great self-confidence, the burning ambitions have already begun to demand patience for the fine art of weaving a candidacy invulnerable to the resentment of the losing groups.

Military persecution in Michoacán

If for those of us who respect and admire the Mexican military, we were saddened to see them flee from a confrontation and be persecuted by organized crime hitmen in Michoacán, we cannot imagine the feeling between sailors and soldiers.

True, they comply with the orders of the high command to avoid confrontations in which military training defeats the hitmen, even if they have better weapons, and leaves a bloody balance in favor of the military.

It is true that soldiers and sailors have received unusual assignments from the Supreme Commander and influence in the Government of the Republic, but the question to the high command is only one: is Paris worth a mass?

Swirling Notes

The official information that inflation will drop substantially until the end of 2023 is worrying. It explains many things… Please, it is unnecessary for Dr. Lorenzo Meyer to get involved in games of historical imagination. Since the Fox administration, has nothing good happened in the relationship with Cuba?… Someone in the Government of the Republic must have registered the fact that, for reasons not yet determined, powdered milk is scarce in the United States. That can affect social programs in Mexico… The general director of the IMSS, Zoé Robledo, aware that the failure of the supply of medicines and supplies is in what they call “the last mile”, is not taking risks and has launched a tender for the distribution for the institute… That said, Cuba, unlike other Central American nations, what it needs is “hard cash”. That is why the Cuban doctors to Guerrero… Wise advice from Amintore Fanfani, who was five times president of the Italian Council of Ministers: “When the enemy praises you, you are doing something wrong”…

Joseph Fonseca

Political Journalist

political cafe

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