Olaf Scholz in the starting blocks: Germany impatient for a government agreement

48 hours after their victory in the general elections, the German Social Democrats have proposed to start talks this week to form a government coalition.

SPD leader Olaf Scholz emerged with flowers in his hand from the first meeting of the newly elected members of the Bundestag as the leader of his group in Parliament announced the proposals made to the Greens and to the Liberals.

Rolf Muetzenich, Head of the SPD Group in the Bundestag: “We have invited the Grünen and the FDP to hold exploratory discussions with us this week if they wish.

For his part, the leader of the Bavarian conservative party Markus Söder has let go of his CDU ally Armin Laschet and no longer supports him in his attempts to form a new government.

According to Markus Söder, it is now the turn of the Social Democrat Olaf Scholz to lead a coalition.

Armin Laschet also planned to try to form a coalition with the Greens and the Liberals, but without the support of the CSU, the scenario no longer holds and leaves Olaf Scholz free.


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