Nothing and everything has changed in Barcelona, ​​by Jordi Clos

Activity. People. Life. Everything seems to have returned to our streets of Barcelona, fully, in recent weeks. And with them, too, returned the joy, still contained, to a city and a society that has suffered a lot in the last two years and that I needed to recover positive feelings. Some sensations that are taking place in the form of social interaction, business reopenings, recovery of the labor framework and international connectivity, among others.

Despite the inactivity, Barcelona society does not start from the same place where it stopped in March 2020. In the field of tourism, for example, these last few months have made it possible to highlight the benefits that this activity has for our city, paradoxically, when the industry has been completely wiped out. In fact, with the foci of an entrenched debate extinguished, the absent benefits derived from this activity have been more present and valued than ever. Fortunately, nothing has changed in Barcelona in this regard.

In the future it opens a stage in the city full of challenges that it is necessary to approach with motivation, energy and a positive spirit. From aspects to evolve on which we have shared and debated intensively for a long time. Now is the time to start acting. Forever from the constructive spirit of those of us who love Barcelona and of those of us who want to see it shine, always, with its maximum splendor. Of those of us who want an open, welcoming, friendly, beautiful, cultural, diverse, creative, daring, determined, resolute city. A city longed for by those who do not live it on a daily basis.

Let’s stop and think about all the amazing things we have to do from now on!

For example, consolidate Barcelona as a world reference of the blue economy. What a great opportunity to be able to lead again and be a world reference in such an important and essential economic and environmental aspect. The America’s Sailing Cup must be an engine that (excuse the easy simile) pushes us at full sail to achieve extraordinary new goals in the fields of innovation, the generation of new business channels and the attraction of talent.

Also, in the field of culture we have great options that should allow correct a historical deficit that drags the city. With the development of the Museum Island on Montjuïc mountain, a project that generates consensus on the great asset that it would be for the city, it would boost the city’s museum value, endowing it with an unbeatable legacy for future generations.

Also in the commercial field we have started to take positive steps to become a city that is fully open and well adapted to current needs (even if it is, for the time being, for a few weeks a year). Also, in this area, we must be able to protect and promote local and proximity commerce, with policies that, despite being entirely beneficial, must have the consensus of the parties on all those measures that may affect them.

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All this, with quality as a flag. Let us not forget that in this widely used concept lies the most essential for Barcelona. For your coexistence. For your prestige. For your people. A quality that must be strengthened by a leadership guided by brave, open, empathic, non-judgmental and motivating policies.

Nothing and everything has changed in Barcelona. we are ready to work and make our city the best place to live and travel.

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