No news of the Atrium robbery?

  • Almost two months after the millionaire coup, the silence surrounding the case is surprising

Next December 27 two months have passed since millionaire robbery of Atrium bottles and since then nothing has transpired about the mysterious theft. Yesterday he government subdelegate, Jose Antonio Garcia Muñoz, spoke when asked by the media, but limited himself to saying: “I cannot report anything on that. The national police are still investigating the matter and at the moment we do not have any information that we can transmit.”

What is the reason for this mutism, Is it normal that in a case that has been under investigation for almost two months, nothing official has transpired to public opinion, that the police do not report what are the main hypotheses or the lines that are being considered to clarify the facts?

All the robberies have their importance, but indeed none like that of Atrio has generated so much expectation. On December 7 the Inspector of the Theft Brigade of the Cáceres Police Station, Pedro Gamero, also referred to the matter to questions from this newspaper: “Nothing at all, we continue investigating. We continue investigating and if tomorrow it gives results, then we will communicate it”.

When asked if there was This being the most striking robbery of those investigated by this brigade, he replied: “The most striking theft is that suffered by each victim and we treat equally a robbery with great social repercussion as that of the person whose moped has been stolen. We work with the same force and the same impetus on large-scale robbery as the one that seems minor, but that does irreparable damage to the affected person “, although he did admit that it was a striking blow.


The robbery took place on the night of October 26-27. At all times, the testimony offered by the hotel owners, Jose Polo Y Toño Pérez, it is that “he was meticulously prepared.”

In that sense, they suspected a couple who stayed at the establishment and during the early morning they circumvented security and entertained the manager with the justification of ordering something to eat from the kitchen service, which was closed.

In this interval, one of them circumvented the cameras and magnetic clasps and stole the 45 ‘jewels’ of the bodega Cacereña, one of the great attractions of the place since it is considered one of the best in the world.

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It was a millionaire robbery that surprised society. Among the wines, the thieves managed to take 45 labels that were 45 jewels from the interior, among them was a Chateau d’Yquem out of 1806 valued at 310.000 euros.

“There is nothing new about the bottles, here we are,” he said. Jose Polo to this newspaper on December 10. One conjecture that is being considered is that the robbery could have been promoted by an international gang and that the bottles were taken away wrapped in towels. The event is in the hands of the specialized crime unit that belongs to the central brigade, as reported by the government delegate in Extremadura, Yolanda Garcia Seco, on December 29. For now, the unknown remains.

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