New reflections on language in schools, by Josep Maria Fonalleras

We do not stop talking about Catalan, with arguments, some of them very weak (thinking that “only” one 25% of Spanish in schools is a minor matter) and, some, very risky (like call the dive dead and propose, as in the Basque Country, a two-line schooling). Some abhor immersion with grotesque ideas that equate it to a certain totalitarianism, and some also dispute it because, in these years of institutional neglect, of lack of effective inspection control, it has degraded in such a way that to speak, now , of Catalan at school, to speak in terms of a dogmatic imposition, is more than an entelechy. It is a falsehood, fueled by those who have dark nationalist delusions or sustained by those who do not know the reality of the courtyards and classrooms.

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The actions in favor of the language are similar to the story of the hummingbird that tells Carrère in his chronicle on ‘Calais’ (Anagram). The forest catches fire and all the animals flee, except for a hummingbird that “fills its tiny beak with water & rdquor; and pours it on the fire. All day, until a hippo tells him that his action is “laughable”. And the hummingbird answers: “Maybe, but I do my part& rdquor ;. That is where we are.

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