Netflix premieres the documentary ’11M’, 10 years of investigation into the attacks

The Netflix platform has released this Wednesday ’11M’, a documentary film that examines the biggest terrorist attack in the history of Europethe March 11, 2004 attacks on Madrid trainsand which is the result of a decade of research.

The hour-and-a-half film plunges into the point of view of the families of the victims, the emergency services, active officials and multiple journalists and academics.

Based on the book ’11-M. Al-Qaeda’s Revenge by Fernando Reinaresan expert in terrorism, the documentary also reveals the motivations for the attacks and identifies a senior Al Qaeda official, Amer Azizi, as their mastermind.

It is written and directed by José Gómez and produced by Villa Lunera Films, Sirius Pictures and Rogue Films, with Oscar and BAFTA winner Kevin Macdonald along with David van der Gaag and Jose Gomez as executive producers.

During a decade of research, More than 180 hours of interviews were recorded with survivors, relatives of the victims and people directly related to the event and another 50 hours of interviews with terrorism experts, politicians, academics, journalists and jurists.

The documentary was made with the help and support of the Association Aid to Victims of Terrorism (AVT)Association 11M Affected by Terrorism, Association Help Victims of 11M and the Victims of Terrorism Foundation.

“Due to the complexity of the story, hWe have been especially careful to authentically represent the testimonials and base the narration of the documentary on facts, and distance ourselves from political opinions. We have approached it with the utmost respect for the victims and their families, as well as with their support and the contribution of journalists, academics and numerous experts,” José Gómez said in a statement distributed by Netflix.

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On March 11, 2004 took place in Madrid the biggest terrorist attack in the history of Europe, in which 192 people died and almost 2,000 were injured.

On March 11, the anniversary of the tragedy, the platform Amazon Prime Video will premiere ‘The Challenge: 11M’, a four-episode documentary series directed by Carlos Agulló which will focus “on the never-before-seen events surrounding the terrible terrorist attack.”

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