Neither up nor down, don’t look, by Álex Sàlmon

The movie ‘No mires arriba’ (Don’t Look Up), hit on Netflix this Christmas and, unfortunately, little in theaters, is the type of film that receives the best or the cruelest opinions. Without going into details, the story is intended to be an ironic critique of American society. However, it is easy to see yourself reflected.

It deals with the discovery of a meteorite whose orbit takes it directly to Earth. Result: total destruction. This apocalyptic plot is an excuse to develop different ideas.

I analyze only three: disbelief in the face of the truth, immediate mockery at all and the sick obsession, and in this case childish, to make money regardless of the risks.

First, we accept as true what appears to be and it matches our values, even if it is false. Therefore, what is supported by facts that go against us enters the territory of speculation and lies.

Second, everything can be taken as a joke. Even the most momentous, like the end of the world. You can make ‘memes’, ‘stickers’, ‘ticktocks’ and a whole list of assumed ‘Anglo’ verbiage, where the complainant will be quickly ridiculed and, therefore, all their arguments will be questioned. The jocular laugh of the teenage group.

Third, the evidence that there are inhuman beings capable of putting the planet at risk with a desire to increase their income, knowing that their own riches will save them at the last moment. Climate change.

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The movie is an exaggerated satire. It’s true. But so real that in some moments it tenses, while unlocking the eyes, if they are not open enough yet.

The truth, the pitorreo and the greed. One after the other becomes an explosive and very contemporary cocktail. The film’s humorous cynicism describes fans of not looking at the sky (above) or looking directly at the problem. Opposing and radically opposed provisions. The usual game that forces you to position yourself, but against without finding solutions. Does it ring a bell?

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