Murat announces that the emergency declaration was authorized for 31 municipalities in Oaxaca

The Governor of the State of oaxacaAlejandro Murat, announced that the emergency declaration was authorized for 31 municipalities in the state, after the passage of Hurricane Agatha, which affected more than 17,000 houses.

At a morning press conference, alexander murat He stressed that in addition to the economic effects, this meteorological phenomenon left nine fatalities, as well as four missing.

Likewise, the local president reported that various roads and bridges have been rehabilitated, in addition to the fact that the connectivity of the electrical service has been restored by 92%, by the Federal electricity commission (CFE).

Meanwhile, he pointed out that in a preliminary way 17,000 homes affected by the passage of Hurricane Agatha have been counted, while regretting that 80,000 hectares of damaged coffee plantations have been registered in the municipality of Pluma Hidalgo and another 40,000 hectares of Papaya in Tonameca. . While 52 affected schools are counted.

He also indicated that the delivery of credits to reactivate various tourist areas of the state is already being analyzed.

“There are 9 deaths, 4 missing, I know the Declaration of Emergency was authorized for 31 municipalities in the state, in the part of the federal highway network we can already recognize that roads could be rehabilitated where the Chacalapa or Azufre bridge is, which connected to the highway 175 and the La Herradura bridge that also connected oaxaca and to the high sierra in the south, on the other hand, in the case of CFE, it still reports progress of 92% already in connectivity, in a preliminary way we can speak of 17,000 affected homes,” he specified.

For her part, the national coordinator of Civil Protection, Laura Velázquez Alzúa, reported that 16,235 pantries, 33,000 liters of bottled water have been distributed and attention has been given to 14 of the 31 affected municipalities.


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