Mother of Murdered Daughter, Granddaughter Uses Additional Funds to Open Rooms at Calgary Shelter – Calgary | The Canadian News

Kim Blankert, the mother of Jasmine Lovett and grandmother of Aliyah Sanderson, who was murdered in April 2019, used the extra money from a GoFundMe fundraiser to cover funeral expenses to open three pet-friendly rooms at the Shelter. Calgary Women’s Emergency Department.

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“Calgary and Calgary beyond, everyone was incredibly generous and supportive, and so much so that I had to do something extra and give back to the community in some way,” he told Global News on Tuesday.

“I felt this was a good charity and an important one to support, and I am very happy that we did. We donate $ 25,000 ”.

Kim Blankert, Jasmine Lovett’s mother and Aliyah Sanderson’s grandmother, stands near a plaque honoring the couple at the Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter.

Courtesy: Dana Burrows

The team worked hard to create the suites, Blankert said, adding that there are plaques honoring Lovett and Sanderson outside each room. Blankert said the effort has touched many people who are “grateful to be able to bring their pets.”

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The donation of the money is a step forward for Blankert’s family after dealing with the loss of Lovett and Sanderson and going through an agonizing murder trial, the closing arguments of which ended on November 2. The trial with a judge is only waiting for a decision.

“It’s a positive step in the midst of all the horrible, for lack of a better word, that has been going on and sheds a light on their souls,” Blankert said.

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The rooms have been in use for a while, he explained, adding that the formal dedication ceremony was delayed on Tuesday due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“He was full of all kinds of emotions, mainly happiness and pride. Of course, it is a sad situation, but the fact that their names are remembered in this way is really beautiful, ”said Blankert.

“I am very happy to be a part of this and grateful that we can put their names on something good.”

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Global News has reached out to the Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter.

Case summary

Lovett and Sanderson were last seen on April 16, 2019. said the police. They were reported missing on April 23, 2019, after they failed to show up for dinner.

The couple’s disappearance became a homicide investigation on April 25, 2019. The police found their bodies in Kananaskis, in a “heavily forested area near Grizzly Creek located off Highway 40,” on May 6, 2019.

Robert Leeming, a 36-year-old British citizen, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in the death of Lovett, 25, but not guilty of second-degree murder in the death of Lovett’s daughter, Sanderson, 22 months.

Leeming testified that he struck Lovett, his ex-girlfriend and tenant, on the head with a hammer and shot him. A forensic pathologist said Sanderson died of blunt force trauma.

Twenty-two-month-old Aliyah Sanderson and her 25-year-old mother Jasmine Lovett are shown in this undated photograph.

THE CANADIAN PRESS / HO-Calgary Police Service

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