Morena’s bats

In 1977, the lawyer Reyes Heroles, served as Secretary of the Interior of President José López Portillo who had come to the head of the Executive Power as the only candidate in the electoral process. This was a factor so that under the leadership of a politician of recognized honor such as Don Jesús, an attempt was made to open the door to democracy in the country through a Political Reform.

As the intellectual author of the aforementioned reform, Reyes Heroles designed the Federal Law on Political Organizations and Electoral Procedures (LOPPE) which, among other things, granted registration to previously clandestine political organizations such as the Communist Party. The idea was to guarantee the parliamentary presence of all acronyms and ideological currents.

When the Secretary of the Interior presented a draft of the law to the president, he objected to his collaborator: Jesus, I think the law is going to give strength to the left and that can be dangerous. President, “replied the secretary,” don’t worry, the Mexican left is like bats, they handle themselves well in the dark, but if they turn on the light they will crash into each other.

What was said by the man from Veracruz, the son of a Spaniard, which prevented him from being president of the republic, was confirmed in the PRD collapsed due to internal division and which today causes outside pain in league with the PRI and the PAN – whose president is a great predictor of defeats.

But the words of Reyes Heroles took effect again after what caused the extraordinary session of the National Council of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) held last Saturday in which 158 counselors were present virtually. Only two minutes were given for the intervention of each counselor.

Perhaps the insufficient time to express his dissent led to Paco Ignacio Taibo II, an official who, doubly, works: director of the Economic Culture Fund and promoter of reading at all levels, who is also an advisor to the party in power, resorted to a video that appeared on social networks last Monday.

In the audiovisual piece, the writer also stated that Morena is in a permanent fight to obtain positions, and chooses its candidates in highly debatable ways. He explained that his task as a promoter of reading allows him to be in permanent contact with the social base that asks itself: Which party? Where is? Morena —he affirmed— is in crisis: “Labor issues are not alien; society’s issues are not alien. What do we actually have? A party full of discredit “

She complained about the multiple failures of the party, such as not having a clear position in support of the feminist movement. He questioned the control and accountability of the financial resources of the institution. He assured that Morena has preferred to nominate PRI members as candidates instead of favoring leftist coreligionists.

He undertook it against the Morena leader, the Ebradista, Mario Delgado: “Mario, if you don’t understand what Morena’s country thinks, resign, there is no quarrel, join what you can do and sometimes you have done very well defending the energy counter-reform” .

He also scratched – and in what way – the senator and candidate for the presidential candidacy, Ricardo Monreal, whom he accused of being a “distinguished permanent activist of internal struggles and grids” and of promoting candidacies of the new right. Taibo did not say it, but I suppose he was referring to Sandra Cuevas, mayor of Cuauhtémoc for the Going for Mexico coalition, which, it is said, Monreal supported.

This proves that bats begin to collide with each other. Will the clashes have to do with the race for the presidential candidacy of 2024, a race that AMLO flagged too early?

Ask the wind

Does saying that the UNAM burned means that the cafeteria of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters was concessioned to McDonald’s?

Manuel Ajenjo

Writer and television scriptwriter

The Privilege of Opinion

Mexican television scriptwriter. Known for having made the scripts for programs such as Salad de Locos, La carabina de Ambrosio, La Güereja and something else, El privilegio de command, among others.

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