Morena warns of victory in Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo and Tamaulipas, but a defeat in Aguascalientes

Mario Delgado Carrillonational president of Brunetteassured that the candidates of that political party are ahead in four of the six states that elect governor this Sunday.

Morena warns that her candidates would win in Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo and Tamaulipas, while in Durango there is a close competition against her opponents in the gubernatorial election. In Aguascalientes, Mario Delgado said, there would still be no evidence that Morena will win the election there.

“The exit polls confirm that we won Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo and Tamaulipas…” Mario Delgado Carrillo celebrated.

In Tamaulipas, Durango and Aguascalientes, Mario Delgado denounced that the “PRIAN” implemented vote-buying operations to inhibit citizen participation. For this reason, Morena will present the corresponding complaints formally.

Mario Delgado congratulated Américo Villarreal, Salomón Jara, Julio Menchaca and Mara Lezama, his candidates who ran for the governorships of Tamaulipas, Oaxaca, Hidalgo and Quintana Roo, respectively.

The national leader of Morena recognized that the government of Durango was “very competitive”, but assured that despite this and the implementation of an operation with shock groups by the PAN and the PRI to inhibit citizen participation, the Duranguenses by For the first time they will have a governor: the morenista Marina Vitela.

Delgado Carrillo boasted that the results of the day show the growth of Morena. Until today, he governs 18 states together with his electoral allies, “and now we are going to reach 24 entities.”

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