‘More than a shame, it’s injustice’: Winnipeg clinic speaks out against Roe v. wade decision

Organizers of a clinic in Winnipeg say they feel rage and fear after hearing of the US Supreme Court’s decision that will allow states to ban abortions.

On Friday the US Supreme Court released its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, ending the country’s constitutional protections for abortion.

“The US Supreme Court has officially declared war on women’s bodily autonomy. This is pushing back progress on equal rights by half a century,” a release from the Women’s Health Clinic in Winnipeg reads. “We feel rage, fear, and an unwavering commitment to making sure this does not happen in Canada.

“This is more than a shame, it’s injustice.”

The clinic said it will provide abortions to anyone who may need one. However, the clinic said many seeking abortions can’t travel.

“The difference between legal and illegal abortion comes down to a question of class, access, and safety,” the clinic said, adding the ability to travel for abortion care requires the privilege to afford time off work, travel expenses, and a place to recover.

“The abortions will not stop. Access to safe abortions in the US has been decimated,” Keesha Daniels, the Health Services Manager at the clinic, said in the release. “People will suffer and die from illegal abortions. When people with uteruses suffer, all of humanity suffers.”

Leah Gazan, the MP for Winnipeg Centre, took to Twitter Friday in response to the Roe v. wade decision.

“Even in Canada, many people do not have access to reproductive health services,” Gazan said in the tweet. “We need to keep an eye on our own backyard and protect the right to choose. Abortion is healthcare. Abortion is a human right.”

CTV News will update this story.

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