More than 2,500 flights were canceled by Omicron and bad weather in the US

The air Transport continued to suffer disruptions on Saturday in U.S, after the bad weather in several regions of the country added to the disturbances caused by the increase in infections of Covid caused by Omicron variant.

As of 21:00 GMT, 2,584 flights in the United States had been canceled: more than half of the cancellations worldwide, according to the FlightAware page.

On the other hand, 3,271 internal flights suffered delays in the country on Saturday, out of a total of 7,381 worldwide.

The most affected US airline was Southwest, which had to cancel 13% of its flight plan, according to FlightAware.

The airports of Chicago (North) were particularly affected by difficult weather conditions, and a snowstorm is expected in the region on Saturday evening.

The variant of Omicron coronavirusextremely contagious, it continues to disrupt global air travel.

Numerous pilots and staff members contracted Covid-19 or were in close contact with infected people, forcing companies to cancel flights due to lack of staff.

Some 7,500 flights were canceled by airlines around the world on Christmas weekend.

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