‘More dead than alive’: long-term care home resident talks about week closings

You will often hear parents, medical experts, teachers, and friends talk about the mental health impact of school closings on children.

But how often do you hear someone talk about the impact of blocks on older adults?

Well, Lina Crescenzi from Woodbridge is talking about it, and she hopes the government and public sector will start doing a lot more too.

“These older people in these homes have mental health problems, but no one is looking at them,” he said.

Crescenzi, 68, decided to speak up after gorging himself on the plight of his father, locked in his six-by-six room in Kleinburg’s Villa Colombo since December 22, 2021.

Although he has repeatedly emailed the York Region Public Health Unit, he said he is not receiving adequate responses to his inquiries.

However, officials have told her that the 91-year-old may be trapped in quarantine until January 11, a total of 20 days.

“I feel more dead than alive,” Mario Cocunato said in Italian, when asked how he managed under the conditions.

It all started when one staff member tested positive for COVID-19 and then another staff member contracted COVID-19 around Christmas.

Despite Villa Colombo splitting into six cohorts, or houses, after the first few waves, public health said some of the staff who tested positive worked throughout the building and not just the cohorts.

The COVID-19 tests were conducted on December 26, 27 and 30 through January 3, and while more employees tested positive, no residents had the virus.

On Monday, January 3, residents’ families were informed that 12 employees and one resident have now tested positive.

Before that resident tested positive, public health said it would consider trying to “reduce control measures.”

However, that may be out of the window now.

“Outbreak protocol decisions could be made on a case-by-case basis based on the risk assessment and overall assessment of the outbreak,” wrote public health spokesman Patrick Casey. “York Region Public Health works with facilities to monitor outbreaks and reduce control measures when possible when safe for residents and staff.”

And while no one wants a repeat of what we saw earlier in the pandemic with hundreds of residents dying from the virus, Crescenzi says keeping residents in their rooms unsupervised to fend for themselves is inhumane.

“My father has lived so long because he plays cards with the other residents, Bingo and Bocce,” he said.

Now, all of that is a distant memory.

Although Crescenzi said she and her brother are fortunate to be able to visit Cocunato twice a day, other residents don’t get as much attention, but they need to be encouraged in some way.

Joseph Gulizia, president of UniversalCare Canada, said the home is trying to ensure residents continue to receive face-to-face time even during closings.

“We have organized programs and physical activities to take place in residents’ bedrooms,” he wrote in an emailed statement. “Additionally, we have increased virtual dating for residents and their families to connect. Essential caregivers are actively involved and also provide much needed emotional and social support for their loved ones. ”


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