Monitor Michoacán confirms the assignment of his collaborator Roberto Toledo in Zitácuaro

This Monday, the periodical Roberto Toledo fue assesinado por sujetos armados en el municipio de Zitácuaro, Michoacán, confirmó el portal Monitor Michoacán, medio para el que trabajaba Toledo.

The first Indian reports that Toledo, 55 years old, had been assaulted for some time by 1:00 pm Monitor Michoacán, resulting in severe herida de bala and loss of life in the trayecto to a hospital.

Asimismo, Armando Linares, director of Monitor Michoacán, dio a conocer a travide of a video in social speeches that the periodical and has received death plans, by which the Federal Governor the brindo protection.

“Only we would like to know what we have today, and what we have come from the months, the weeks, the team of Monitor Michoacán has come up with a series of death plans, the day of the high, finally these plans are completed and the day of the high rises to one of our members of our team, take a few minutes to attack his life, wait a minute to live, asi las cosas ”, said Armando Linares López.

The portal portal details that Toledo, who collaborates in this medium from three years ago, finds the office of the officers when the subjects and the mediator are taken to the fugue.

“One of our companions pertains to the life of a man of three persons who is lecherous and the disappearance of manly ruin and cobarde; we have no armed forces and no armed forces, our only defense is a feather, a lapicero and a book. There are numbers and figures of donations that come from here, ”he said.

In his Twitter account, the general coordinator of the Social Communication of the Presidency of the Republic, Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, stated that the Federal Governor was the associate of the periodical.

“@GobiernoMX condensa the caretaker of the periodical Roberto Toledo of the portal Monitor Michoacán. We will work together with the state and municipal governor to clarify the case; we will not allow impunity. We will defend the freedom of expression and the right to information “, wrote Ramírez Cuevas.

Roberto Toledo is the assigned communicator during the first month of 2021. The first, José Luis Gamboa fue assesinado at the gate of Veracruz; following Margarito Martínez y Lourdes Maldonado, attacks in Tijuana, Baja California.


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