Monific presents funding options for future accommodation

The use of digital platforms focused on offering accommodation to individuals in tourist places has gained great importance in recent years to such an extent that the Mexico City Hotel Association projects a growth of up to 600 percent in one year for apps like AirBnB.

In this regard, the company Monificthe first real estate crowdfunding platform specialized in the tourism sector in the world, pointed out that this represents a great opportunity to invest in this sector through the rental of spaces in tourist destinations, magical towns, beaches, among others.

For this reason, David Agmon Mizrahi, CEO and founder of Monific, spoke in an interview for this medium about the possibility of funding up to 50 percent of a real estate project under a totally personalized scheme.

The businessman highlighted that there are many reasons and benefits for which the applicant or in this case, the owner, wants to raise money with Monific.

The first is to remodel a house. “No person acquires or invests in a property without having seen it previously, for this reason it is important to contemplate a remodeling to promote greater use and attract a greater number of investors”.

The next point is to acquire a strategic partner, for example, if you have a house in Acapulco, you can cash out, you do not have to sell the entire property and we invest an amount and we can operate it, market it, manage it, etc.

In this regard, David Agmon commented that Monific has thousands of investment partners that participate in the funding of a project, providing liquidity through collective funding.

“We currently have a community of 26,000 investors, who have a digital code that gives them a discount on their reservation and if they share it with someone they know, they receive a commission,” he explained.

Finally, one of the benefits of funding through Monific is the extension of the property.

“We can fund for the expansion of assets but the three modalities can also be integrated: remodeling, acquiring a strategic partner and growing.”

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