Monegal’s Critique: The Colossal Night of Sylvia Kristel and the director of TV-3

TV-3 has dedicated a theme night to Angel Houses. A deserved tribute to the one who was the inventor and undisputed star of that famous and still remembered ‘Àngel Casas show’ that so triumphed in its years of broadcast, from 1984 to 1988. The night was affectionate, remembering moments and a thousand anecdotes, leaving us all a endearing flavor and also a little of that so inexorable that the prophet Isaías warned in the Bible and that the great Argentine writer Eduardo Mallea immortalized in his most famous novel, that is, “All greenery will perish.”

Inside the lush anecdote that has Houses about the famous guests who came together in his program I particularly liked when they asked him to tell the truth about what happened between Sylvia KristeHe and the director of TV-3 at that time, year 1985 specifically. Ahh! In the 1970s and 1980s the Kristel She was very famous for her erotic film ‘Emmanuelle’ and others in the same style, such as ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ or ‘Mata Hari’.

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Counted Houses that she arrived “Completely drunk and we had to lay her down in a bed at the Ritz». And then, when he entered the set, the drunkenness had not passed. So she was going to quite a few revolutions, but the interview was very entertaining and poignant. The anecdote came later, off-camera. Houses he said, sparing no details: “At the end of the Kristel she said she wanted a man. A true Catalan! And by chance the then director of TV-3, Enric Canals, passed by and I said to him ‘Do you want to benefit the mythical Emmanuelle?’ ». Ahh! That TV-3 director must have had two ‘Canigó flames’ eyes. A colossal burning. Took to the Kristel immediately to dinner at Up & Down. And then the two of them went to the hotel. The next day Canals was telling everyone he met. He said ‘It was wonderful, I even recited a poem by Espriu!’ ».

Man, it’s a beautiful story where it is. Not only la KristeThat night he found the authentic Catalan he was claiming, but it was also the director of TV-3 himself, who with the sensitivity of his position recited to him Espriu, perhaps that delicate passage: “You and I, a woman and a man (..) this afternoon for us perhaps immortal”. Today that reaches the ears of Tele 5 and they make them a whole ‘Deluxe’, with built-in Polygraph.

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