Moncloa looks strong in the face of separatism: “The Catalans have seen it clearly with the example of El Prat”

This Saturday, the socialists will be in the demonstrations against homophobia, yes. But above all “we will be in the Diada”. In mass events? “Well, if you mean by that to the independence calls, no, of course. This is another manipulated Diada, and they’re going …”. Who speaks is Alicia romero, PSC spokesman in the Parliament of Catalonia. “The independence movement has once again appropriated everyone’s day, it is the Day of a few and not of the Catalans.”

In his institutional speech for the Diada, in any case, Pere Aragonès he insisted on the usual: “The referendum is inevitable”, although with his supporting argument he did not seem that he was very convinced. “I will not rest until it comes true.”

Despite this, other sources of the Government of Spain admitted to awaiting with some expectation the images that arrive from Barcelona this Saturday. “You walk the streets of the Catalan capitals and notice the satiety, people want people to talk about things to eat, and not about chimeras that have only impoverished their land, “says one of the spokespersons for a Ministry.

“Look at El Prat, it is an example. The Catalans have already realized that separatism does not work for them.” In Moncloa they predict a much smaller separatist mobilization than in other years: “People are fed up, it’s more than 10 years of the same, and there has been a pandemic … they want to talk about what is important, “says a minister in conversation with EL ESPAÑOL.

Little revenue

Of course, that is a diagnosis on the part, and more than 24 hours after the mobilizations, which are held only five or six days before the resumption of the so-called dialogue, negotiation and pact table. That is to say, the table of governments. I mean, that forum where to deal “the political conflict”, a term that, together with the pardonsYes, it is the only thing that ERC and Junts have wrested from the Government of Pedro Sanchez.

And of that both Republicans and former convergents are very aware. The first, much to his regret. Because if it is true that they are finally ruling Catalonia, for the first time since the recovery of autonomy, the truth is that their support for the coalition government in Congress translates more into winks than facts. Not even the agreements reached in exchange for votes to extend the states of alarm of the first wave of the pandemic have been fulfilled.

“What’s more, now Moncloa says that it is not a priority to reform the crime of sedition … and it was part of the investiture agreement,” recalls a spokesman for Junts, the party of Carles Puigdemont, partner but enemy of Esquerra. “They tease them, they try to take it from all of us, but the confrontation will eventually come, we are very skeptical with the results of the Table.”

PP and Citizens

But that warning, which once made the thermometer rise in Moncloa, today leaves the sources consulted indifferent. The Government feels strong, it knows that it has won this last dialectical battle, that of the expansion of the airport, “although it is regrettable not to be able to do a strategic work, which we wanted to do,” they point out from the Ministry of Transport, suggesting that there is still some possibility of rectification, as reported by EL ESPAÑOL.

And the conclusion monclovite it is propped up from the offices of the PSC in the Parliament. The spokeswoman believes that there are possibilities of advancing in the Table: “There is a political conflict, yes, but we see it differently than they, who focus it on the rest of Spain; we say that it is between Catalans.” Romero, in fact, points to the possibility that ERC may end up agreeing to create the table of parties that Salvador Illa demands since his electoral campaign.

And see significant progress. “To begin with, constitutionalism is more united than independence movement,” he sentenced. And he explains the diagnosis, shared with Sánchez’s surroundings in Madrid: “Look at Cs and PP, last July they did not vote against the party table, which they previously rejected. This time they abstained, and with the desire that It turned out that it was, as some of them confessed to me. “

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