Miserable working conditions: the management of Villa Mon Domaine reacts

After the public release of a foreign beneficiary attendant on Sunday, the Villa Mon Domaine seniors’ residence refutes the words of its ex-employee.

• Read also: Abuse: foreign attendants work in miserable conditions

In a press release, the establishment indicated that the safety and well-being of its residents and employees were their priority.

“With regard to the numerous false allegations and assertions made by a former employee in the media, Management refutes these statements and maintains that it has always acted as a responsible employer concerned with the respect and integrity of each employee, whether they are a person with an immigrant background or not,” explained the management of the Villa Mon Domaine residence.

She recalls that investigations are underway in connection with the complaints that have been made. “We offer our full cooperation to the government authorities concerned,” the statement read.

Recall that a former employee of Villa Mon Domaine denounced the miserable working conditions he says he experienced. The situation has also been criticized by the Center for Immigrant Workers (CTTI).


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