Michoacán seeks to be the new logistics center in North America

One of the main goals of the new Michoacán administration is to make the entity the new logistics center in North America, announced Alfredo Anaya Orozco, head of the Ministry of Economic Development (Sedeco).

In an interview with El Economista, he explained that the plan for the entity in economic matters is based on promoting industrial and logistical activities, taking advantage of the international trade agreements that the country has, and for this, four strategic projects were developed.

“At the request of our governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla we want to position Michoacán as it should be, as the T-MEC state, as the main entry and exit door to the Pacific,” he stated.

Likewise, it seeks economic recovery after the health contingency, as well as responding to the crisis of shortage of supplies worldwide.

The first project foresees the construction and operation of the largest industrial park in the Pacific on the island of La Palma, taking advantage of the port of Lázaro Cárdenas. “We have the largest port in Mexico, which is 19 meters, this depth makes us viable and feasible to receive ships of the seventh generation, which are greater than 160,000 tons in weight and up to 20,000 containers.”

“For this reason, we are going to focus 100% on triggering all these investments that we have been waiting for 30 years. One of them is the Island of La Palma, which is a part of land next to the sea, next to the Integral Port Administration, there are 628 hectares ”, he added.

He stated that the conversion of the commercial undersecretary of Sedeco to be the undersecretary of the T-MEC has already been carried out.

The second strategic project also takes place in Lázaro Cárdenas, where it wants to consolidate its position as the Logistics Center of the Mexican Pacific and even the continent.

“We want to open ourselves to cabotage, understanding that we can receive the largest ships and be able to consolidate the largest amount of cargo, we want to make that economy of scale, that small boats also leave our port that can supply other small ports” , the secretary deepened.

To achieve this goal, federal support is wanted for the registration of ships, also to give support and subsidies in the matter of maritime fuel, as well as to develop a specialized service and attention center for cargo ships.

The third project is to create the Pacific free zone, similar to the northern border zone of the country, with everything and tax incentives (it is proposed to lower VAT to 8% and income tax to 20%); More state taxes, agreements with municipalities for licenses and the strengthening of the single window will also be encouraged.

“Let us remember that Lázaro Cárdenas was a Special Economic Zone, but it stopped being one. We are talking with the federal government to obtain support that gives improvement and something special can be tropicalized. We are proposing to the federal government that there be a special scenario for Lázaro Cárdenas and La Unión, Guerrero; there are 1,000 hectares of potential growth ”, emphasized the secretary.

The fourth project consists in that at the end of this administration there is a fund for 4,500 million pesos to promote the youth of the entity and generate companies with a technological and innovation focus.

Alfredo Anaya said that to achieve these projects they are also working on Michoacán to consolidate its regional alliances, therefore, for this Friday, November 12 there will be an event with all the states of the Pacific country and for the 18 of the same month there will be a signature with the entities that make up the Bajío.

He added that two goals to meet are to achieve investments of over 50,000 million pesos a year between the Private Initiative and the public sector, as well as increase the number of foreign companies in the state to match the region’s neighbors. “We have 255 foreign companies, when our neighbors are above 1,000.”

First investments

Anaya Orozco assured that the new state administration has already started with positive figures in terms of attracting investment, since in these first weeks they managed to capture more than 25,000 million pesos.

He said that it is partly due to the fact that a better scenario is being created to attract capital; for example, the railroads taken were released and the conflict with the magisterium was resolved. The entrepreneurial space was also strengthened, which is a network of centers that focus on simplifying procedures and providing financing.

“We started our six-year term with a lot of support from businessmen, there is a brotherhood in Michoacán with businessmen, so much so that there are already signs of confidence, there are several companies that have already raised their hands to generate new investments,” he deepened.

Among the new investments, the one announced by ArcelorMittal stands out with an amount of 1,000 million dollars in the expansion of the plant in the state, as well as 150 million dollars for the expansion of mines.

“The Chilean company Arauco, is the second largest lumber company in the world, announced the investment commitment of 4,000 million pesos and the creation of 3,000 direct and indirect jobs in the Zitácuaro area, this is for the MDF wood production line”, said.

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