Michoacán launches support focused on the agribusiness sector

As part of the plan to boost the economy, state authorities gave the starting signal for the program “Michoacán Emprende: April, month of the entrepreneur and industrial property”, which includes discounts on the payment of services for agribusiness entrepreneurs.

The head of the Secretary of Economic Development (Sedeco) of Michoacán, Alfredo Anaya Orozco, explained that the first support package focuses on a 90% discount on the payment of fees for the trademark registration process before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (which goes from 2,814 to 316.64 pesos), a measure that applies until April 15.

The second support focuses on giving a 27% discount for the study of the nutritional table carried out by the Center for Innovation and Agrifood Development of Michoacán, a necessary requirement to market an edible product (the normal price is 7,360 pesos, but with the promotion will cost 5,340 pesos.)

While the third incentive focuses on applying a 10% discount for the shelf life study (in this case, the cost depends on the product).

“Discounts are also being negotiated with the Notaries Association of Michoacán for the constitution of civil or commercial companies, as well as seed capital for entrepreneurial projects supported by Espacio Emprendedor”, added the secretary.

The president of the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Morelia, Javier Cedeño Sereno, announced that as a Private Initiative they will join with prizes and sponsorships in training services.

Appellation of origin

Anaya Orozco announced that they are also seeking to develop more plans as a state authority to take care of the Denomination of Origin of tequila, mezcal and charanda from Michoacán.

At the same time, they are carrying out actions so that the state has a collective brand focused on products such as guava, avocado and lemon.

“The fight continues for a Denomination of Origin that is under review, which is that of Cotija cheese. It is something that the governor has been working on in recent years (…) It is the commitment of the Michoacán government to take care of the products,” he stressed.

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