MeToo’s victims at the University of Gobierno’s antiquity program similar to the EU

  • In a map to Pedro Sánchez, urgen to be represented on the equalization committees

  • Recuerdan que los campus estadounidenses “apartan a los acosadores”

The 25 women of MeToo at the university who committed suicide in the Periodicals believe that Spain has effective means of achieving gender violence in the university. For this, he sent one Card of the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, proposes to launch an initiative similar to that of the Administration of Barack Obama and Joe Biden puso en marcha en 2014 en las universidades de EEUU with an “extraordinarily positive” balance.

The card, signed by Marta Soler, Chair of Sociology at the University of Barcelona (UB), PhD at Harvard and member of MeToo, underlining that the “scandalous” situation in Spanish universities in the face of machismo violence “can not be solved with the same people who is responsible for the current situation “.

Y plantean a Sanchez impulses an initiative like the ‘It’s On Us’ that Obama and Biden march to prevent the sexual harassment on university campuses. “An initiative similar to the Obama-Biden initiative from Moncloa could have extraordinary positive consequences for our university and our society,” Soler said.

This cathedral, which was separated from the UB Equality Commission, must show its support for victims, the explanation given by the President of the EU, the universities “apartan los los acosadores”, while saying that “in our universities, what are the risks that are to be denounced and are attacked cruelly by the few professors who support them”. “In the universities that we use as a model, the Commissioners of Equality Officers define the victims, although there are many powerhouses, in our universities there are equality commissions that attack the victims,” ​​Soler added.

The presence or representation in the equalization committees of the universities is one of the re-indications of the victims. And the map is planted in the Gobierno presidency. Teachers and investigators who are satisfied with the validity of the universities’ dispositions will change the forms of action taken in situations of gender violence, but advise that “if the charges are equal in the institutions that he is in a position to forgive, publicly disclosed, reafirman presents as the experts and protagonists of the new cambios, pronto acabará saliendo in los medios situations todavía más vergonzantes “.

And the solution, says Sanchez, “is easy”: apply international criteria y meet the experts on the subject, with those voices that were significant in the defense of the victims. “If we co-sponsor the vacancies approved by the International Scientific Community, the prestigious universities will face the violence of gender as well as the international scientific evidence”.

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Recall that Spain has four investigative persons among the first ten of the international scientific ranking in the category of gender violence. “One of them is the number for the Equality Commission of the one who separates himself as he sympathizes with the victims (I also agree); there are many people who have been accused of the Commissions of Igualdad to show solidarity with the victims. violin of genius aisladora which reciben hace that the majority of them do not want to discuss the topic publicly. “If the new changes are in the hands of those responsible for this type of action, the new media will be based on the bubbles that are created and not in the international scientific evidence, and therefore the problem will aggravate in resolving” , explain Soler en la carta a Sánchez.

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