Maritime provinces moving away from daily COVID-19 reporting as restrictions ease

Maritime provinces are moving to weekly COVID-19 data updates, as restrictions continue to ease in the region.

Beginning Monday, Nova Scotia will only update its dashboard and send out news releases weekly – the next scheduled for March 10.

Prince Edward Island is now reporting seven-day case averages, and New Brunswick stopped doing daily news releases over a month ago – with plans to no longer use its dashboard once restrictions are removed March 14.

The changes in reporting COVID-19 data come as we close in on two years since the pandemic in Canada began.

The general public is likely notifying fewer numbers all over their newsfeeds and social media.

“I think what people need to realize, even if the authorities don’t do daily reporting of cases, is that the virus is still there,” said epidemiologist Zahid Butt.

Butt says the data reporting is important for public health to show transparency. And while it doesn’t have to happen daily, twice weekly would be appropriate, he said.

“We need to know, right? We need to know what’s happening around us in terms of the virus,” he said. “We need to know whether there is community transmission, whether hospitalizations have increased or not.”

Some people shared on social media how they feel about the change. Several said it will be good for their mental health.

“Fantastic, will do wonders for my blood pressure,” said one.

But others still want to know.

“I would like to know numbers because it will help me make a decision regarding continuing to mask up,” another said.

Dr. Mark MacMillan, the president of the New Brunswick Medical Society, says no matter what public health does, the health networks – Horizon and Vitalité – will continue to track COVID-19 within hospitals.

“And also note that when you come to the hospital, you will still need to have one of these (mask). There will be no unmasking in the hospital for a very long time,” he said.

Come March 14 when restrictions are removed in New Brunswick, the COVID-19 dashboard will no longer be used.

“COVID-19 information will instead be shared in the communicable disease section of the public health website and reported on a weekly basis,” the province said in a statement. “Public health will continue to provide guidance on how people can lower their risks as restrictions are removed.”

As of March 7, families and school staff will no longer have to self-report cases of COVID-19 to their school.

“Families will still be required to notify the school of any absences, due to illness or otherwise, and we will continue to track student absenteeism to monitor the situation with public health,” said Flavio Nienow, a spokesperson for New Brunswick’s Department of Education.

Dr. MacMillan said what’s happening inside hospitals will remain important. He’s encouraging the general public to still keep COVID-19 in mind, especially during the transition period.

“Use your judgement, be cautious, but also – it’s time to open up a little bit and enjoy more of life,” he said

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