London Food Bank ready to help Ukrainian refugees

The London Food Bank is preparing for the arrival of Ukrainian refugees by earmarking donations.

“The thought of 1.5 million refugees produced suddenly in less than two weeks is challenging. But we all can help,” reads a statement from the food bank.

The organization will be using its food collection system to help the London Ukrainian Center collect needed non-perishable food, feminine hygiene products, diapers and other required items.

Londoners can voluntarily leave the donations for the Ukrainian people in any grocery store bins throughout the city. All Tampon Tuesday collection bins in Shoppers Drug Marts will also accept feminine hygiene products.

The food bank asks that you identify such donations by writing ‘Ukraine’ on the bag, by putting any type of blue or yellow ribbon or drawing a blue and yellow flag on the donation

The specifically identified donations will not be distributed through the London Food Bank system but will be delivered directly to the London Ukrainian Center for the people of Ukraine.

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