Logistics platform promotes exports in Jalisco

Guadalajara, Jalisco. After the economic reactivation after the crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, Jalisco’s exports reached record figures in 2021.

According to the analysis prepared by the local Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco), Jalisco’s exports in 2021 amounted to 23,161 million dollars, the highest figure since 2007 according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi). ).

Thus, sales abroad reached in 2021 represent an annual variation of 15.3% compared to 2020, when a drop of -7.2% was recorded due to the pandemic.

The director of Foreign Trade of Sedeco, Claudia Villarruel, indicated that exports are currently an activity that more and more Jalisco businesses are exploring.

“The pandemic came to bring a series of electronic commerce possibilities that have been used by Jalisco businessmen, and somehow the logistics platform that has been generated through Sedeco is being very well used by businessmen,” said the official. .

During 2021, Jalisco ranked seventh nationally with the highest exports, just below the border states such as Chihuahua, which made 58,543 million dollars, Coahuila with 53,522 million, Baja California with 48,001 million, Nuevo León with 41,497 million. and Tamaulipas with 32.565 million dollars.


During the past year, the subsector that registered the most exports in Jalisco was the manufacturing of computer equipment, communication, measurement and other electronic equipment, components and accessories, which contributed 15.9% of the total national sales abroad in this category. , and ranked third nationally, after Chihuahua and Baja California.

Only during the fourth quarter of the previous year, the entity registered exports for an amount of 6,518 million dollars, a figure that represents an increase of 14.3% compared to the same period of 2020.

During the fourth quarter of 2021, national exports amounted to 119,687,910 million dollars, so Jalisco exported 5.4% of the national total during this period.

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