Letters to The Sun, April 12, 2022: Why are we in a rush to create high density?

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Re: Affordable rental housing under threat as Vancouver looks to densify with Broadway Plan

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John Mackie’s article exposes the underlying stupidity of a city drunk on development — tearing down very liveable and affordable rentals with greenswards, to be replaced with cubbyhole apartments that are unaffordable and devoid of surrounding nature.

Why are we in such a rush to create such high density, which will never help the homeless situation and ruin the appeal of our great and green metropolis? Money, money, money — growth, growth, growth — where does it end? Not with a bang, but a whimper.

Donna Clark, Vancouver

I have two older siblings over retirement age who affordably rent in one of the three-storey buildings described in John Mackie’s article that would be on the chopping block with the Broadway Plan. My brother was in tears today reading about this. Displacing thousands of renters will cause a humanitarian crisis.

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Felicity Estrin, Vancouver

Everyone deserves representation in a true democracy

Re: Pete McMartin: Where is today’s Diefenbaker?

I always look forward to reading Pete McMartin’s columns in The Sun, although I don’t always agree with his opinions.

In his last column he made the argument that the federal Conservatives need to remake their party. But I disagree.

Everyone deserves representation in a true democracy, even the climate-change deniers, the gun lobbyists, the anti-vaxxers, the convoy demonstrators, and the libertarians. In this regard the Conservatives, in their large tent, have welcomed the opportunity to court and represent marginalized far-right voters, and in doing so they are contributing to a healthy and diverse political debate and landscape in Canada.

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All points of view, short of hate speech and the promotion of violence, should be tolerated in a free and democratic society. A truly democratic society is enriched by diversity of political opinion and belief.

Richard HooverDelta

I didn’t leave the Conservative Party, they left me

Pete McMartins’ piece on how the Conservative party of his youth has morphed is not dissimilar to my own experience. I too shook John Diefenbaker’s hand, as well as the hands of Robert Stanfield, and Joe Clark. My great aunt worked for Mr. Diefenbaker in Ottawa for many years. I wore out shoe leather campaigning for PC party MPs in several elections.

The demise of the Progressive Conservative party started with Brian Mulroney and his cynical embrace of Quebec separatists in order to become prime minister. That inclusion of what became the Bloc Québécois opened the door to an avowed separatist party in our federal parliament.

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Under Stephen Harper, the merged party that was birthed from the PC stragglers and the Reform party muzzled scientists and catered to social conservatives at the expense of progressive legislation.

Conservative party MPs’ support for the so-called freedom convoy had me gagging. Where would a fiscally conservative yet socially progressive voter place their vote in Canada?

I didn’t leave the Conservative Party. They left me.

Don Tennant, Mansons Landing, Cortes Island

Let’s keep big box development out of the Jericho Lands

This letter is in regards to the proposed development of the Jericho Lands in West Point Grey. I am opposed to any type of development here. It should stay as a natural park for all peoples to enjoy for generations to come. It would be a lasting legacy and be in keeping with the surrounding area.

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The current plan to put up a dense high-rise prominent development is completely out of character with the village-like atmosphere of West Point Gray. Let’s keep big-box development out of this area.

Billy Smith, North Vancouver

How do first-time homebuyers move up?

I get irritated as we keep offering assistance to first-time homebuyers. How do the first-time buyers of the last five or 10 years move up? Prices have moved up so fast that even with the equity they have built, they are unable to sell that first home and move up. We need to help them move up to a larger home so their home is available to first-time buyers? They are locked into a home that may now be too small for their growing family while we continue helping first-time buyers

Bob Garnett, Richmond

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