Letters to The Province, June 8, 2022: Canada Soccer should look after players first

Sunday’s canceled Canada-Panama soccer friendly an example of a national sport organization taking advantage of its participants, writes Peter Kauhausen

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I’m really disappointed in the cancellation of the friendly soccer match between Canada and Panama on Sunday. This is another PRIME example of a national sport organization taking advantage of its participants.

Canada Soccer has forgotten that the players on the field are the ones who have put their lives on the line, with sometimes violent tackles, risk of head injuries and many other injuries. Canada Soccer has taken advantage of the present situation and use the excuse of ALL the funds that need to be distributed in all of their disciplines.

I think that Canada Soccer executives are more concerned about added funds coming in (from making the World Cup), should get some balls and look after the players first.

The present group of national team players have worked their butts off representing Canada and we as soccer fans appreciate all of their work. The country appreciates their work.

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But just like a bad employer, Canada Soccer abuses them. A players union needs to be formed to offset this discrepancy.

Just curious if we still have some (former, disgraced FIFA president) Sepp Blatter fans in Canada Soccer.

Peter Kauhausen, Burnaby

Sensitive gun control

In England during the 1940s I used my dad’s shotgun to shoot rabbits, both to eat and sell to the butcher as meat was still rationed. In 1950 on turning 18, I decided a .22 rifle would be better. So the gun shop told me I needed a permit from the police station. I was asked where I would use the gun, how much ammunition I would buy in a year, how much I would have on me at any time.

There were other questions, too, but I finally got my permit.

Hearing what is happening below the border, I find it mind-boggling that an 18-year-old can buy two assault rifles as easily as buying a coffee pot. Now I hear there have been 16 more shootings since the murder of innocent children and teachers in Texas. It appears there is only one cure to this sickness: Elect those who will bring the changes so desperately needed and get rid of those who refuse to face reality. No way I could shoot a rabbit now.

David Gibbs, Surrey

Letters to the editor should be sent to [email protected].

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