Lethbridge College Resumes Personal Classes, U of L Stay Online – Lethbridge | The Canadian News

Lethbridge College welcomed back students and staff on its campus and personal learning for the first time this semester on Monday, more than two weeks after the start of the winter term.

“It’s very exciting to be back on campus,” said student Muna Adair. “I did not like the Zoom situation.”

“Lectures were by Zoom. It was not too bad, but I’m really an in-person kind of guy again, ”said student Logan Unreider.

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Alberta’s Post-Secondary Institutions to Stick to Online Learning Until February

Since before the winter holidays, school officials have been aiming for Monday as the day to return in person.

“As long as the numbers remained fairly consistent, I would say and also that we were able to make sure our campus was safe, and we could do that,” said President and CEO Dr. Paula Burns said.

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COVID-19: What are “accidental COVID” cases and how does it affect hospitalizations?

Students can expect COVID-19 protocols to look similar to what they were in the fall semester, with evidence of vaccination or a negative test required at the doors. At least 97 percent of the campus community has been fully vaccinated, the school said.

“We’ll strengthen them, of course, as we get more students back on campus,” Burns said. “We also asked the staff who do not currently have leading roles among the students to really facilitate their way back over the next few weeks.”

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‘Done’: Lethbridge students express mixed feelings when they return to school

Students usually say that they are satisfied with the school’s plan and are ready for the return to the classroom.

“I really hope the Omicron situation will ease a bit and we will stay personal and have the experience to go to university,” Adair said.

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“It’s just easier to focus in the classroom. There are not so many distractions, so it’s exciting, ”said student Ridge Sloan.

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Alberta’s Post-Secondary Institutions Move Online As Omicron Cases Increase

Lethbridge College joins other post-secondary students in Alberta, such as Medicine Hat and Lakeland Colleges to return to class today, while many others, such as the University of Lethbridge, SAIT and NAIT wait until next month to return at the earliest to stop.

“The University (of Lethbridge) has chosen to extend a primary online course delivery model to 28 February 2022 to push past what is expected to be the highlight of the latest COVID-19 Omicron wave, as well as to students, faculty and staff is able to maintain access to teaching and learning activities, regardless of the requirements to be placed in quarantine or isolated, ”reads a statement from the school.

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