Labor shortage at the DPJ: families forced to change workers very often

A labor shortage at the Direction de la protection de la jeunesse (DYP) in Montreal forces families to change workers very often, which makes it difficult to establish relationships of trust.

This problem adds enormous pressure on the staff in place who must meet the demand in a timely manner.

The mother of a problematic child confirmed to TVA Nouvelles that her son has changed worker 12 times in the past two years due to too rapid staff turnover.

Despite the 17 teams of 20 people, the DPJ in Montreal is unable to meet the demand.

“Actually, it’s very unfortunate for a family to have such a large number of caregivers in a family, but it’s a reality. In addition to the usual mobility, which I would say is natural, such as departures due to maternity leave, retirement or professional development, we have great difficulty recruiting,” said Nadine Thiffault of the community services of the CIUSSS du Centre. -South-of-the-Island-of-Montreal.

This labor shortage means that, instead of following about fifteen families, the workers have to follow nearly twenty.

“This morning, I was evaluating that in my 17 teams, I am currently missing 22 speakers for my post plans to be complete,” she said.

To deal with this shortage, the organization is trying to hire students, but they cannot take on files because their course has not been completed.

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