Kingston, Ontario. city ​​council approves climate leadership plan – Kingston | The Canadian News

The Kingston Climate Leadership Plan has received the go-ahead from the city council.

The city says the plan is one of the first of its kind in the country and hopes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the point where the city becomes carbon neutral by 2040.

“On behalf of the city council, I am proud to endorse this document for the future,” said Mayor Bryan Paterson.

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The plan will address five target areas: transportation, construction and energy production, waste, food and forestry.

The community, subject matter experts, and ‘people with lived experience’ helped develop the climate plan, which has taken into account best practices, future plans and developments in technology.

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“The plan will be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure it is helping the corporation and the community achieve their GHG reduction goals quickly and effectively,” said Julie Salter-Keane, manager of the city’s climate leadership division. .

The city of Kingston declared a climate emergency in 2019.

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