Kingston Announces List of Possible Names for Third Crossing Bridge

At a public online event this afternoon, Kingston announced a list of possible names for the city’s Third Crossing Bridge.

In total, there were more than 100 presentations and various consultations with indigenous nations. The final name chosen for the bridge would recognize and honor the indigenous culture and history in Kingston and the area.

“We know that as a city, we need to broaden our understanding of Kingston’s history by incorporating more indigenous stories and facilitating a community dialogue that prioritizes reconciliation,” said Mayor Bryan Paterson.

A total of six virtual meetings have been held with indigenous nations and interested local indigenous community members and residents, and consensus was reached on the list of possible names for the new bridge. The list includes six names, three in Kainien’keha (Mohawk) and three in Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe):

  • Aazhogan (AH-jo-GAN): Aazhogan is the word Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) which means “bridge” or a structure that allows people, animals or vehicles to safely cross a body of water.
  • Àhskwa ‘(As-KWA): Àhskwa’ is the Kainien’keha (Mohawk) word for “bridge”.
  • Nibi (NEE-BEE): Nibi is the Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) word for “water”.
  • Sin: Ka (Oh-NAY-ga) – Sin: ka is the Kainien’keha (Mohawk) word for “water”.
  • Tekaron: yake (Deh-ga-ROON-ya-go) – Tekaron: yake means “Two Heavens” in Kainien’keha (Mohawk) and recalls the image of the sky reflecting in the water.
  • Waban (WAA-ban): Waaban is an Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) word with interpretations related to the eastern direction where the sun rises, the dawn of a new day or the morning light.

Heritage Services Director Jennifer Campbell reiterated that the concept of building and strengthening relationships between Indigenous Peoples and all Canadians had been a recurring theme in many of the discussions surrounding the Third Crossing.

“Many important discussions on nature and environmental issues, as well as indigenous worldviews, allowed participants to come up with six potential names that we are excited to engage residents about,” said Campbell.

The campaign is open to public participation until November 29, 2021 and will also hold information sessions with local businesses and organizations. In addition, the overall plan also includes presentations for school classes in Kingston, a survey asking residents for input on the short list of names, and an educational campaign that includes a video and informational document on the list. of potential names.

After all the consultation and public participation processes, the City will meet again with the Indigenous Nations and interested members of the local Indigenous community to discuss the comments. Finally, the preferred name will be presented to the mayor and council for the final announcement.

For more details on participation and the Third Crossing project, visit:

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