Kichi does not comply with what he signed before a notary: he will try to govern Cádiz for twelve years

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The mayor of Cádiz, José María González ‘Kichi’, has announced that he will most likely present himself as candidate to the mayor of Cádiz for the third time in a row “if there is no replacement better than me.”

He has done it in an interview on television 7TV, which is broadcast in its entirety tonight. The fragment chosen to promote it, and disseminated on the chain’s social networks, has been made quickly viral And it has unleashed hilarity and outrage in equal parts in the Cádiz capital, both for the forms and for the substance.

In the fragment, José María González vehemently affirms that “obviously I do see that there is no relay that can do it better than meObviously, I will have to introduce myself again, because what I am not going to do is beat myself for eight years working without a rest and without any kind of reward, but only for the exercise of love for your city and sacrifice for your people, and I’m not going to throw it away lake overboard. “

Kichi announces that he would run for a third term. Courtesy of 7TV.

The criticisms have not been made wait, beginning because, if he attended the next municipal elections, in May 2023, José María González ‘Kichi’, who has been mayor of Cádiz since 2015, would flagrantly fail to comply your initial promise of not being mayor for more than two corporate terms.

He has expressed it on numerous occasions, within that differentiating discourse defended by Podemos about traditional politicians, whose only professional occupation is to dedicate themselves to politics as a reason to hold on to office.

José María González has always defended that he does not dedicate himself to politics as a profession, that his is that of a high school teacher. Graduated in Geography and History from the University of Cádiz, your destination teacher It is located in Tabernas (Almería). He returned to Cádiz as released by the Ustea union.

For this reason, and within this line of argument, just before the municipal elections, he came to sign before a notary, voluntarily and to further strengthen the value of what was promised, an ethical code in which his formation, Adelante Cádiz, stipulated the prohibition of holding the position for the third consecutive time.

The code, to which El ESPAÑOL has had access, reflected on this occasion a nuance: the two corporate mandates would be “exceptionally extendable to one more mandate as long as there is a process of discussion and organic validation “, something that, for now, has not yet happened.

“The honesty Throughout these four years it has been shown that it is a rare, almost extravagant value in politics, and from Cádiz we want to make it very clear, ”the formation said at the time. Thus, “we do not come to enrich ourselves with politics but to offer an act of love to our neighbors and the city ”.

After winning the 2019 elections, in an interview offered to Daily de Cádiz, highlighted that “the commitment that I acquired four years ago is to be on the front line in the city of Cádiz for eight years. I signed it before a notary public and thus I have ratified it again, and I will fulfill it“.

Criticism for the video has also been directed at the lack of modesty of the councilor, warning that “if there is no one who does it better than me,” he would go to the elections. Also, to the statement that he has been “working for eight years without a rest“When the mayor usually avails himself of his right to enjoy his summer holidays every year, as well as sick leave and even his two parental leave, the last one, enjoyed for several months until the end of last year.

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