Junts asks ERC to reject the Budgets: “We cannot support Sánchez in exchange for nothing”

Jordi Sànchez, Secretary General of the Junts, asks to vote no on the Budgets; demands “unity of the 23 pro-independence deputies in Madrid”; recalls that “we are essential for the survival of that Government”; and clarifies that “the decision to withdraw the 1,700 million for the expansion of El Prat is one more breach that makes it very difficult to trust the word of Pedro Sanchez“.

That is, the party of Carles Puigdemont, with whom the ex-convergent representatives are meeting these days in Brussels in a working session, refuses to “support a government in exchange for nothing, only for fear that other governments will come supposedly worse for the interests of Catalonia” … or the independence movement.

A week before the so-called Dialogue, Negotiation and Pact Table is due to meet, the Secretary General of Junts per Catalunya has demanded an urgent meeting with the president Pere Aragonès. It has done so only 24 hours after knowing the decision of the Minister of Transport, Raquel Sánchez, not to undertake the expansion of the El Prat Airport.

“You must get a message, if they wanted to divide the independence movement they are going to find a movement with all the strength and with more unity than ever. “The ex-prisoner pardoned by the process and leader in Spain of the party of the fled Puigdemont appeals to the “spirit of the Govern“, as Esquerra usually does.

Those of Oriol Junqueras They appeal to that document to force the reluctant Junts to sit at the table with the Spanish Government – in a week, in Barcelona – even if they are “skeptical from the start.” And now Junts invokes it to “coordinate the 23 pro-independence deputies in Madrid” and denying support for Pedro Sánchez’s Budgets.

According to Sànchez, he has already transmitted all these concerns to Aragonès: “From the beginning we were skeptical about the possibilities of the Table, but if the Government of Spain is unable to maintain an agreement of 1,700 million of euros reached just a month ago and uses a tweet as an excuse … how are you going to deal with the resolution of a decades-long political conflict? “.

The days of Junts in Brussels are serving to put together the speech of the second party in the Government on the eve of the Diada. “Yesterday we verified a reality. And whoever had doubts about the interest of the Government of Spain in defending the interests of Catalonia, all he has left is to see the minister [de Transportes] Yesterday”.

All stopped within a week

The reality is that Junts have stopped all previous negotiations with ERC in the face of the Table. Sànchez himself told Aragonès on Monday that they would not appoint a delegation until he knew if the President of the Government will take the photo in Barcelona in seven or eight days. “Esquerra is the one who negotiates, and We do not know when the meeting will be held or what is its agenda. We only know that Moncloa has not yet decided whether or not the president will go, “replied the other Sànchez to questions from this newspaper.

And immediately, he returned to challenge ERC: “It is up to each one take responsibility in the deals you closed“. Minutes before, he had presumed that his party is pure and genuine independence, against the possibility of the Republicans:”It is up to us to be the driving force behind the independence movement and that is why we appeal to the unity of the 23 deputies in Madrid for the good of the interests that correspond to our DNA. “

Both Aragonès, in another press conference, and Sànchez, both ERC and Junts consider that the reasons given by the Government to stop the investment are nothing more than excuses. The president warned that “we won’t fall for this pressure maneuver, the table is for the political conflict, not for investments “.

The political leader of Junts expressed himself in similar terms, adding: “But the truth is that this shows Moncloa’s unwillingness to agree and makes it difficult to create spaces for dialogue. ”

Finally, the former ANC leader warned the two presidents. To the nation, that “what was agreed with ERC and with the CUP is that at the Table we will only talk about ‘amnesty and self-determination’, so after seeing what we have seen, we will try not to be an obstacle, but without much hope.” And to the one from Catalonia, let him take advantage of Podemos has planted its own positions, who accept the possibility of a referendum. “


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