Jalisco has attracted more foreign investment than in all of 2019

Guadalajara, Jal. During the third quarter of this year, Jalisco raised $ 209.4 million from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), a figure that represents growth even compared to 2019 before the global crisis generated by the pandemic of Covid-19.

The holder of the Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco), Roberto Arechederra, detailed that at the end of the third quarter of 2020 the entity raised 60.8 million dollars for IED, which means that in the January-September period of this year there was a growth of more than 244% compared to the same period in 2020.

The official stressed that the figure is positive even if the arrival of foreign capital is compared with the third quarter of 2019, when 161.6 million dollars entered the state for IED.

“One of the most important indicators for the generation of economic growth and job creation is the Foreign direct investment… Our entity was in the fifth position in the accumulated of 2021 with 1,192 million dollars in attraction of this type of investment “, commented the head of Sedeco.

Most uptake of IED In the third quarter of 2021, it was obtained from the intercompany accounts with $ 149.6 million, followed by new investments with $ 69.5 million.

By sectors, commerce had a collection of 384 million dollars in the accumulated of 2021; that is, 101.6 million dollars more compared to the same period of the previous year.

Regarding the origin of the investment, USA is the country that invested the most in Jalisco with 401.2 million dollars, followed by United Kingdom with 268.9 million and Spain with 165.7 million dollars.



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