ISSSTE union supports Pedro Mario Zenteno Santaella as director

Far from confrontations, the presiding secretary of the National Executive Committee of the National Union of ISSSTE, Luis Miguel Victoria Ranfla, said that they will work hand in hand with the new direction of the ISSSTE of Pedro Mario Zenteno Santaella, fulfilling the commitment to protect the health of the beneficiaries.

Within the framework of the 37 Conference of the National Association of Chemists of the Institute and First International Conference of Chemists of SNTISSSTE, the union leader pointed out that there is a strong commitment to transform the institution that serves State workers, “teamwork strengthens us, teamwork dignifies us, but above all, it is very important that it be taken into account the opinion, proposal and experience of those who know the ISSSTE the most, its human capital, which has years of working in the most noble and humane Institution that the Mexican State has ”.

Victoria Ranfla mentioned the internal work that the union has carried out, despite the restrictions due to the pandemic, it has been able to maintain the training and the First International Congress on Human Development, in its online modality that had the endorsement of the College of Social Workers of Mexico, AC, and the Westhill University, whose importance is to update in the new reality of public social security services, “particularly those of health in which human development is essential to guide the actions of political and administrative leaders of institutions and professional teams to improve themselves personally and thereby offer the more than 13.5 million beneficiaries a better service ”.

He highlighted that the ISSSTE, together with the health institutions, will have a budget by 2022 that has the largest amount of resources allocated, as they continue to face great challenges, so the budget amounts to 794,000 million pesos and has growth in real terms of 15.2%; more than 26,000 million pesos will go to the vaccines against Covid-19.

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