Is Chanel’s song plagiarized? New controversy over Benidorm Fest

El Benidorm Fest suma una new controversy. Y ya es la tercera. The Tanxugueiras jury’s vote on the first batch. The fifth position that the otorgaron a las gallegas (a las que el publico respaldó majoritariamente) fue un jarro de agua fría. Las redes ardieron. But there will be more delay than other controversy. Chanel Terrero, the seller, may have the standards not complied with. Empezó to correct as the powder the theory of the English palabra number what to use on your theme “SloMo” over the maximum of 35% that allows the bases. Ahora acaba de surgir una new denunciation.

Is Chanel’s song plagiarized? This is the new critique that is going viral on social media. And the polemic lies with graphic and sonorous examples. If it is a theme of 2017 la Serbian artist Dara Bubamara. The appearance of the song contest strip (‘SloMo’ and ‘Ekstravagantno’) is sufficient for the Internet users, one more time, than the decision of the Benidorm Fest jury in that case.

Although the Benidorm Fest has been clear and clear: most of Tanxugueiras’s Eurovision Song Contest. The jury has other plans for them. His poor appreciation, which the day in the fifth could only be done by Gonzalo Hermida – who could not act directly – Xein and Varry Brava, practically impossible to surpass Chanel. The controversy continued and continued with denunciations of a plagiarized plague.

Sabela, Olaia y Aída pudieron, con todo, saborear el écito que supone saberse las ganadoras de la audience. Thus, the demoscopic vote as the recipients of text messages and telephone calls gave the maximum score to Tanxugueiras. Without embargo, to the final of the Benidorm Fest, the trio of pandereteiras quedaba in third position, resolving the controversy in social speeches and questioning the slogan that has been going on since the organization took place during the selection process: “The festival you want”.

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The generalized sensation, at least in social networkswas that finally had the festival that the jury, that Rigoberta Bandini, the other favorite, also had in the second position.

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