Inflation, more intransigent than Palacio

Yesterday morning a presidential spokesman called for not fearing confrontation, the leitmotif of the regime’s electoral political strategy, but reality has other data.

It does not matter if the inflation was caused by the pandemic or the global crisis, it matters that the cocktail of recipes to deal with it requires entering a game in which everyone, businessmen, employees and the government must sacrifice something. Everyone puts.

How to ask for cooperation for the plans against the crisis without tempering the verbal violence of the parishioners pushed by the presidential narrative to the confrontation that polarizes? Well, there is always the gangster formula of “cooperate or neck”.

Pemex, can you put up with independent unionism?

In the theory of the campaign speech, the phrase “out with the charro leaders!” sounds like music to the ears. With regret, but the realities do not always resemble the catechism of the refrain of rallies, displays and declarations.

First it was the triumph of the veteran leadership of the Pemex union, now it is the claims because the parastatal’s austerity policy for four years has led to non-compliance with the collective bargaining agreement.

The new union leadership, to legitimize itself, has to support the claims in almost all the sections that Romero Deschamps kept quiet. The Presidency disqualifies them without seeing that in Pemex the most sensible thing is not always a good lawsuit.

The opposition must apply Salinist recipe

Curious, so many who today are critical of the López Obrador regime are the same specialists, lucid political scientists and academics whose devastating criticisms cleared Morena’s path to power, today they give advice to the opposition.

However, trapped in presumed objectivity, while giving recipes, in print and electronic media they disqualify the opposition alliance, because, human after all, they cannot shed their anti-PRI and anti-PAN prejudices.

“No cupular agreements,” they warn the Alliance members. One wants to suppose that the most shot hares of the PAN and the PRI will apply Carlos Salinas’s recipe to their “consultants”: they will not see them, they will not hear them.

Swirling Notes

Centralizing federal purchases in the Ministry of Public Administration is a sensible decision. The regime has at least two years left to pick up the loose ends that have been left in the different government agencies… The grid lasts in the corridors of the National Palace. They accuse presidential spokesman Jesús Ramírez Cuevas of putting together a closed campaign team in the SEP for the incumbent Delfina Gómez, setting aside the professor’s old allies. Could it be?… If, as they say, the Government of Mexico will ask the White House to invite Cuba to the Summit of the Americas in California. Do you think that Biden, four months before the legislative elections, is going to give that gift to his Republican opponents? Geez, they seem to want Trump back… Out of sheer laziness today we repeat a pertinent phrase by John Kenneth Galbraith: “Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s just the opposite.”

Joseph Fonseca

Political Journalist

political cafe

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