Industrial growth increases the demand for electricity supply: Coparmex Querétaro

Querétaro, Qro. The development of industrial zones generates greater demand for power supply in the state. The industrial zones located in the municipalities of Colón and El Marqués are those that require the greatest capacity, explained the president of the Querétaro Business Center of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), Jorge Camacho Ortega.

“(Where it is most needed to increase the electricity supply in) the industrial part is in Colón and El Marqués because of the growth that is taking place, the industrial parks are growing a lot and are demanding energy,” he said.

The establishment of data centers in the state, he added, will require a high electricity demand. According to the local leader, there are about 11 data center investment intentions in the entity.

To guarantee energy supply, he added, the state and federal government – through the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) – work on projects to establish new substations that provide certainty to the growing demand for electricity.

“It is a plan that the State Energy Agency is making, where they are going to put these substations to lower the energy and it is going to be handed over to the CFE so that it can operate it. The state makes the investment and the CFE the operation. They are working on it, there are amounts that are being talked about at the beginning of 400 million pesos to begin immediately and it can reach 800 million ”, he explained.

He added that the federal government’s electricity reform proposal has inhibited investment projects, in the case of Queretaro it has not impacted on investment projects in data centers, he explained.

“It does not (affect), because what the state government does has already been raised with the State Energy Agency that they are going to make substations to lower energy and provide energy in the state, with what already exists. So in the short term it doesn’t affect ”, he said.


The recent blackouts that occurred in various areas of Querétaro, he added, have not been due to a crisis in the electricity supply. From Coparmex There are no reports of significant impacts from these incidents.

“These effects do not have to do with supply yet, they are technical issues, there are still no problems because energy is needed and then you have to make the cut, in the case of Querétaro not yet, in the south of the country yes, the peninsula yes it is having power cuts due to lack of supply ”, he commented.

These blackouts would be related to the theft of copper in facilities of the CFE in the state. According to information from the federal commission, an increase was detected in the theft of manhole covers and copper cable from general distribution networks, as well as severe damage to electrical substations located in the city of Queretaro because they have been vandalized 59 times.

The Bajío division of the agency reported that these events have occurred mainly in the months of September, October and November, which has affected the electricity supply of the state capital and the metropolitan area; So they already establish strategies with security corporations to inhibit these events.

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