Increase death toll in Argentina by adult cocaine case

The death toll in Argentina for consumption of adult cocaine In a recent investigation into the federal capital, 24 people were killed during the night, and as many as 23 people were hospitalized, according to an official from the Health Ministry of the province of Buenos Aires.

According to the provincial charter, the new death corresponds to a person interned with the Mechanical Respiratory Assistance (ARM) since his admission to the hospital on February 2.

It’s the last part, it is stated that 23 patients are currently being interned, of the 8 patients living with Mechanical Respiratory Assistance.

Doctrine of the drug adulterated mururon in his hogares and dos in the public life. Only 10 decesos are registered in health centers. The editions of the victims from 21 to 58 years.

Conjured up by the sanitary emergency, the case manager made the judicial indemnity statement that the fours detained the suspected suspect, Joaquín Aquino (33 years), alias El Paisa, with drug addict.

Otros 12 detainees will be interrogated, following legal proceedings quoted by the state telecom agency.

About 200 people were cared for by the hospital and hospital guards with severe alcohol intoxication symptoms at an emergency rate and used to ward off the stupefied patient, the health ministry said.

A mother who had just identified herself as Sandra, who was reprimanded by the narcotics, told AFP in front of Hospital Bocalandro: but he is addicted. We will not help him.

“Hubiera sido una tragedia mayor”, warns the jaffe babinerense jefe, Carlos Bianco, si las autoridades no lograban confiscar unas 400 dosis de la cocaína adulterada en el asentamiento Villa Puerta 8 y casi 20,000 dosis en el barrio de Aquino, ambos en la northern periphery.

Authorities admit that the decision to prosecute the cocaine was not taken into account, although “an opiáceo” was alleged, according to Nicolás Kreplak, the Minister of Health.

The federal and provincial governments calculate that in the Metropolitan Area (the capital and districts, where 13 million inhabitants live) a 250,000 dose of cocaine is sold.

Since the 1970s, Argentina has entered into the drug trafficking world routes and is converting to consumption even without the production of illicit drugs, according to government information.

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