In the heart of Mexico there is a huge void

Perhaps the only Mexican who has high self-esteem at the moment is President Andrés Manuel who is preparing to defy history to be the first president to be repealed or ratified.

At the end of the health emergency, Mexico appears disfigured, polarized and aimless. The specter of frustration haunts broad social fringes of our population. Beyond the green of the sanitary traffic light there is no hope.

The economic ravages and the increasingly bleak prospects in Mexico and the world overshadow the return to normality.

The government’s infrastructure projects: I) The Mammoth International Airport, II) The Dos Bocas Refinery, and III) The Mayan Train, seem like school assignments in the face of the challenge posed by the reactivation of the country.

In the social sphere, the pandemic left deep cracks, the impacts on health and mental health are yet to be revealed. Despite what was affirmed by AMLO and the Precious Governor II, Miguel Barbosa, in the sense that it was a disease of the rich, the highest number of serious cases of covid and deaths was concentrated in low-income sectors.

In the political arena, hate speech easily finds followers in a country lacking in heart and project.

No country in the world or politician has high esteem, Mexico less, with an inflationary outlook of 7 points, the pressures of the health crisis and the supply chain make the economy look vulnerable, despite what government spokesmen say.

Perhaps the only Mexican who has high self-esteem at the moment is President Andrés Manuel who is preparing to defy history to be the first president to be repealed or ratified.

Regarding the revocation of mandate in her book Twelve Caesars, the historian Mary Beard affirms that she understood better the solitary condition of the ruler. He indicates: “How can they believe in their exceptionality when, deep down, they are ordinary, cowardly and flawed beings? I understood that his first mission is never to make others believe in his power ”, whoever understood, understood!

In the end, said exercise seems irrelevant, if Andrés Manuel López Obrador wins, it will mean a medal for his inflated ego, with negative expectations for Mexico. If he loses, there would be negative expectations for the country. In the end, the damage is done, only the national ability to do damage control remains.

With a country lacking in heart, they will soon overwhelm us in the media with the revocation of the mandate, more circus for the people in the absence of results. Until next time dear and cultured reader.

Twitter: @ErosalesA

Eliseo Rosales Ávalos


The usual

Political scientist and lawyer, academic, columnist, president of citizens without a party and proud Mexican.

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