Improve balance and develop core strength with this exercise.

When it comes to cardiovascular fitness, you may tend to focus on activities that move you forward, such as walking, running, and cycling.

Likewise, in weight training, most traditional exercises focus on forward and backward movement, which occurs in what is known as the sagittal plane.

But there is another plane of movement that deserves your attention: the frontal plane, where the movements go from side to side.

The importance of stepping aside

If the majority of your workouts are performed in the sagittal plane, you risk creating muscle imbalances and becoming susceptible to injury during lateral movements in everyday life. Incorporating frontal plane exercises, such as lateral lunges, into your exercise routine can prepare your body to move better and be more durable in activities of daily living.

The lateral or lateral lunge is one of the best exercises for developing lateral stability and mobility in the often neglected frontal plane. This exercise strengthens the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, adductors, and core to help protect against injuries like groin pulls and hamstring tears. The lateral lunge also improves the mobility and stability of the hips, knees, and ankles to prevent related strains and sprains.

Consider your lifestyle activities that require you to move laterally and how lateral lunges might be beneficial:

Navigating crowded spaces: In environments such as busy streets, shopping malls, or public transportation, it is often necessary to dodge or maneuver laterally to avoid obstacles, get off sidewalks, and navigate tight spaces. Training with lateral lunges can improve your ability to navigate these environments.

Housework: Tasks like vacuuming, sweeping, or mopping often require lateral movements as you move from side to side to clean different areas of your home. By strengthening the muscles involved in lateral movement with lateral lunges, you can perform these tasks more efficiently while reducing the risk of muscle strain or injury.

Playing with Children or Pets: If you have children or pets, you are probably familiar with the need to move quickly and react to sudden changes in direction. Lateral lunges can improve your ability to change direction quickly and maintain balance, helping to make play time pain-free.

Recreational Sports: Many recreational sports, including pickleball, tennis, and basketball, involve lateral movements such as shuffling, cutting, and dodging. Incorporating lateral lunges into your training regimen can improve your lateral quickness, agility, and overall performance in these sports.

Outdoor Activities: Whether you’re hiking on uneven terrain, walking on deep sand at the beach, or engaging in more extreme activities like skiing or snowboarding, lateral stability and mobility are essential for navigating varied landscapes and maintaining balance. Training with lateral lunges can increase the strength of your lateral movements, improve your mobility, and boost your confidence to be more adventurous outdoors.

Editor’s note: Consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Stop immediately if you feel pain.

How to perform a lateral lunge

  1. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward.
  2. With your hands on your hips or clasped in front of your chest, take a wide step to the side with your right foot, while your left foot remains firmly on the ground.
  3. Bend your right knee to 90 degrees, aligned above your ankle, while pushing your hips back.
  4. Your left leg remains straight with both feet pointing forward.
  5. Although you will naturally rotate your hips when sitting, try not to lean forward too much. Keep your chest as high as possible with your back neutral.
  6. You don’t need to hold the side lunge position for more than a second or two. Get into position and then push through your right heel to return to the starting position.
  7. Repeat 10 to 12 total reps on each side for two to three sets.

Depending on your fitness level, you can decrease or increase the suggested reps and set totals. I recommend adding lateral lunges to your exercise routine at least twice a week for best results.

Side Lunge Modifications

If you don’t have the strength or mobility to take a wide step to the side or bend your knee to 90 degrees, shorten your posture and/or how far you sit and bend your knee. You can slowly increase your posture as you become stronger and more mobile.

If you have difficulty with strength or balance on this exercise, you can place an armless chair behind you on the side you lunge, allowing you to sit in the seat of the chair during each repetition. Additionally, if you have access to a suspension trainer, you can hold the straps for added stability while you perform the exercise.

Side Lunge Progressions

To increase intensity, you can increase the speed of your repetitions.

You can make the exercise more dynamic with a greater focus on agility by alternating back and forth with a small jump in between as you move from side to side.

You can also add weight by holding a kettlebell or dumbbell at chest height. Use the appropriate weight for your fitness level.

Remember, moving laterally is a natural part of daily function, so incorporating lateral lunges into your workouts not only adds variety, but also plays a crucial role in improving your ability to move well and prevent injuries. The next time you hit the gym or feel the need to move your body, remember your lateral lunges to unlock the full potential of your frontal plane fitness.

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