“Impossible”, believe the relatives of a shaken baby

The family of the 28-year-old father who allegedly violently shook his baby just a few days old in Sherbrooke is completely in shock and even believes in a mistake.

“It can’t be, it’s impossible, immediately launches the grandmother of the baby, born less than two weeks ago and who is still in critical condition in the hospital. It’s a mistake, that’s for sure. It’s not him to do such a thing. I have to talk to the police, to the DPJ, it can’t be. »

Behind bars

With drawn features and wearing a gray t-shirt, the man who works in the construction industry was formally charged by videoconference with aggravated assault Thursday morning at the Sherbrooke courthouse.

As the Crown opposed his release, he will remain detained at least until his release hearing, which will be set for Tuesday. In the meantime, he is forbidden to communicate with his spouse, the mother of the newborn.

A publication ban on the identity of the baby was also issued by Judge Conrad Chapdelaine. It is therefore impossible for us to disclose the name of the defendant in order to protect the child.

Denunciation by the hospital

According to the act of denunciation, the facts would have occurred between last Friday and Tuesday.

Worried about the poor condition the child was in, his parents took him to the hospital on Wednesday to be seen by a doctor. Seeing that the baby was showing symptoms of shaken baby syndrome, the medical staff notified the authorities and the Department of Youth Protection (DPJ).

The newborn still lay between life and death on Thursday. If he were to succumb to his injuries, the father could then be charged with infanticide.

His wife, who has just given birth, is completely turned upside down, her mother said Thursday.

According to the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Center in Montreal, around 30 infants are brought to the emergency room each year for shaken baby symptoms.

Of this number, it is estimated that one in five children will die from it.

Those who survive will have serious sequelae, such as paralysis, epilepsy, developmental delays and cognitive deficits.


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