I’m not stupid

It will not be me, of course, who asks the brave Joan Laporta don’t take me for a fool. Nor would I dare to request such a thing from your friend. Rafa Yuste. I don’t even tell the very smart and very rich (and future president of the Barca), Edward Romeu. No, no, I don’t think I should go to them and tell them not to expect us to believe them when they tell us lies or don’t tell us even a fifth of the truth.

But, look where, who I do dare to ask to be much more sincere (and honest) than he is being with us, is the person that everyone considers the most intelligent and most prepared of those who inhabit the universe. Barça, within a club that is trying to rise from the ashes. that man is Ferran Reverterthe Leo Messi of the offices, or so Laporta himself has sold us, who has lost his two backbones (I am no longer talking about James Giro) in a pls pls.

Tell the truth

And why do I dare to ask Reverter to tell us the truth, or truths, because they say that there are several reasons why he has thrown in the towel and goes home after only six months, not a year, not two, not three, not four, not even the five mandates for which he was hired, no, no, he goes home after eight months? Well, simply, friends, because Ferran Reverter was the man, the executive, the guru, who conceived, who invented, who promoted the company in which he worked (Media Markt) to the cry of “I’m not stupid!”

Well, Mr. Reverter, since we’re not stupid, say why you’re leaving. Tell what you have seen and heard and even signed (for example, the invoice for two bottles of red wine of 350 euros each from a vice president at a meal on the stage in Germany) that has scared you so much. He may not want to work with the family, friends and/or colleagues that Laporta has plugged into the club. Maybe they don’t let you control what you should control. It’s true, of course it is! But know that Laporta and his board will say that it’s simply about different ways of running the club, disagreements in management and, how the one who won the elections (and in the streets) was Laporta, well, you have to go. And point.

the great silence

But the “I’m not stupid!” (nor us, Mr. Reverter), forces you to tell us the truth. Because it is impossible to believe that one makes one’s family happy by exchanging Germany for Barcelona (the change is notorious and someone who knows the Germans who live in Mallorca and why they live in Mallorca tells it), accepting Barça’s offer (I will not speak of money, because everyone assures that you could be earning a lot more, even Florentino Perez it may offer you a lot more in a few months!) and, at eight months, throw in the towel.

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And less credible is that you sign your resignation as soon as you get off a plane, coming from Miami (USA), where you were negotiating hundreds of millions of euros on behalf of Barça and, suddenly, you go and say “I’m leaving, I’m leaving, I want to dedicate myself to the family & rdquor ;.

Trust me, don’t take us for fools and, before someone from the club (or the president himself) says that you have been unable to withstand the pressure, tell the truth. I know you won’t. Neither you nor Laporta, who said that he would count all the commissions he paid. All.

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