Deconfinement: a plan to avoid a rollback, wish the opposition

The opposition parties in Quebec hope that the deconfinement calendar and the relief of health measures announced by the government are based on science and not the broadcast of the Super Bowl, in order to avoid a backlash.

“I’m not asking François Legault to have a crystal ball. I’m not asking him to promise that there won’t be any more waves. I’m not asking him to promise that there won’t be any other waves (…) But what he can do is make every effort to prevent us from going back, ” said the parliamentary leader of Quebec solidaire, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, estimating the relief of the measures will undoubtedly be well received by the citizens after difficult weeks confined to the house.

He wants it to be science and measures like the addition of N95 masks that guide the decisions of François Legault’s government, not major sporting events like the Super Bowl.

“I hope it’s not the Super Bowl or the Montreal Canadiens season that determines government decisions,” GND said.

The Parti Québécois is ironic that the deconfinement calendar coincides with the great mass of American football. Quebec will allow gatherings in private residences this weekend, without limiting the number of people.

“Chance does things well, you have to believe,” said Parti Québécois leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon.

The parliamentary leader of Québec solidaire, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

Photo QMI Agency, Andréanne Lemire


For his part, he calls for a plan from public health based on objective criteria, the end of the health emergency and governance by decree.

“This is where we have to take a step back this morning. There may be other waves. We can no longer accept to live without the opposition and the experts being consulted in public. Confidence crumbles. Social acceptability also crumbles, because the process does not make sense. We see it elsewhere in Europe, people have returned to normal debates in parliaments,” he said, adding that no new health measures will be accepted without debate in the National Assembly.

In reaction

According to the leader of the official opposition, Dominique Anglade, the prime minister François Legault reacts to the discontent in the face of health measures which is increasingly heard in the population. “It’s a government that is constantly reacting,” she said.

The leader of the Liberals, Dominique Anglade

Photo Stevens LeBlanc

The leader of the Liberals, Dominique Anglade

According to pollster Jean-Marc Léger, nearly a third of the population now agrees with the message of the convoy of truckers and the end of health measures.

“These are decisions that must be a matter of public health. What we would like to know is what the game plan is (…) We have the impression that the government is coming, because it’s the Super Bowl, now we have to react. I hope that is not what guides the decisions of the government.

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