Hundreds of people demonstrate in Puigcerdà against the Winter Olympics

Hundreds of people from different points of Catalonia have gathered at the fairgrounds of Puigcerda at a demonstration against Winter Olympic Games organized by the platform ‘stop olympics‘. At 12 noon the demonstration has started and will reach Plaza del Call, where the manifesto will be read and parliaments will be held.

With the slogan ‘For a living Pyrenees, let’s stop the Olympic Games’, the demonstration has the support of various entities and political formations such as the Catalan National Assembly (ANC), the cup, In Comú Podem either Union of Pagesosamong others.

The protest is celebrated with the government of the Generalitat moving for a candidacy without Aragon after disagreements when negotiating the weight of each community in the organization of the Winter Olympics and the location of the different tests. The Government will ask the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE) that, if there is no agreement with Lambán, study the Catalan option alone.

A “climatically and politically unsustainable” project

The demonstrators, many of them dressed in caps and hats to protect themselves from the sun, have displayed numerous posters against the Games, with slogans such as “The land to sow, the mountain to respect and the games to shit”, or “Do you Do you like the mountain? Do you want it natural or built?

Speaking to the media before starting the march that will culminate in the center of the Pyrenean city, one of the spokespersons for the convening platform, Bernat Lavaquiol, has asked the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragones, that “stops” the consultation convened to endorse the presentation of an Olympic candidacy. Along the same lines, another of the spokespersons, Helena Guillén, has criticized that the Government is investing in “propaganda” to tip the balance of this consultation towards “yes”.

In addition, the cupera representative has thrown a dart at the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau: “You cannot be declaring a climatic emergency and remain silent in the face of nonsense like the Winter Olympics in the Pyrenees.”

Also the deputy of the CUP Dolors Sabater He has demanded that Aragonès stop “urgently” the “nonsense” that, in his opinion, represents the presentation of an Olympic candidacy, “a project that is climatically and politically unsustainable”, he stressed.

Parliamentary Speaker of the Commons, Jessica Albiachhas reproached the Government for “lack of transparency” with which he is acting in relation to the possible candidacy for the Winter Olympics, and has demanded that all the environmental impact reports that have been prepared in this regard be made public.

Paluzié, against the “Spanishization” of the Games

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For her part, the president of the ANC, Elisenda Paluziehas focused on the fact that an Olympic candidacy prepared by the COE would contribute to giving an image of “false normality” in relations between Catalonia and the rest of the State.

Likewise, he has warned that, if held, these Games would include “spanish elements” in Catalan society and would ratify the “return to autonomy”.

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