How to Spot the Signs and Symptoms of Heat Illnesses

The hot, humid temperatures of summer are here, as are the dangers of heat-related illnesses like heat stroke.

“Heat-related illnesses are those illnesses attributable to excess heat in the body that causes dysregulation and dysfunction of normal organ systems and, in severe cases, leads to organ failure and death,” said Dr. David Ng, an ER doctor in downtown Toronto. “Severe heat illness leading to organ failure and death is generally uncommon overall, but when it does occur, it occurs in an epidemic cluster of cases at a time.”

High temperatures killed at least 595 people in BC during a “heat dome” of 2021 and another 156 in 2009, according to Health Canada; in Quebec, heat caused 280 deaths in 2010.

Dr. Michael Brauer, a professor at the University of British Columbia’s School of Population and Public Health, says climate change is bringing the threat of heat illness to a growing number of Canadians.

“We’ve always had extreme heat events, but they are getting hotter and more frequent,” Dr. Brauer told “This is not going to go away.”

Environment Canada has already issued multiple heat warnings this year, breaking temperature records in places like Domain City, man. and Inuvik, NWT Europe has been even hotter this summer, where the thermometer has approached or exceeded 40 C in Portugal, Spain, France and even the UK.

“The warmest part of summer is yet to come,” Environment Canada Senior Climatologist Dave Phillips warned Monday on CTV News Channel. “We think July and August will be warmer than normal.”

Although temperatures dropped in parts of Canada on Monday, heat warnings they were in effect for large swathes of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. Environment Canada criteria for issuing a heat advisory varies by regionbut they usually occur when temperatures approach 30 C for two or more days in a row, increasing the risk of heat-related illnesses.


According to Health Canada, signs of heat illness may include headache, nausea or vomiting, dizziness or fainting, rapid breathing and heartbeat, extreme thirst, or decreased urination or unusual dark yellow urine. Rashes, confusion, muscle cramps, and heavy sweating are also indicators.

“When someone has heat illness, the body goes to great lengths to cool itself by sweating,” explained Dr. Ng. “However, sometimes it’s too hot to sweat. When this happens, a person can go from heat exhaustion to heat stroke.”

Heat stroke can be fatal or life-altering, and is evident when someone has a high body temperature and is unconscious, confused, or has stopped sweating.

“Symptoms of mild heat illness, such as heat exhaustion, overlap with severe heat illness in terms of hot skin, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting,” said Dr. Ng. “However, once neurological symptoms such as confusion, irritability, or seizures occur, this condition becomes heat stroke and is a life-threatening emergency. Even in those who survive, many may have neurological complications. long-term, such as balance and memory problems, and dementia.”


If you experience signs or symptoms like these during extreme heat, move to a cooler or shaded area and drink fluids. Seek emergency medical help immediately if someone shows signs of heat stroke.

“If they are confused or feeling quite ill, it is absolutely essential to call 911 and have them evaluated and treated in an emergency department, as organ failure and death can occur in the event of heat stroke,” he warned. Dr Ng.

While waiting for help, you can cool someone down by fanning them and applying cold water to their skin and clothing.

Dr. Brauer also emphasized the importance of monitoring people who are socially isolated during heat events, such as the elderly and people with mental illness.

“As heat-related illness affects a person, their ability to make decisions diminishes, so they may not even be aware of it or have the ability to cool down,” Dr. Brauer said. “So it’s really important for people to check on each other.”


Infants, young children, and older adults are at higher risk for heat-related illnesses, as are people with chronic problems or illnesses such as breathing difficulties, heart conditions, kidney disease, or diabetes. Those who work outdoors, such as road construction and repair workers, as well as people who exercise in the heat, are also at increased risk. Mobility challenges, certain medications, and being pregnant are also factors.

“Unfortunately, there is also a correlation between increased heat and deteriorating mental health leading to increased suicides and increased violence leading to intimate partner violence,” added Dr. Ng.


To stay cool during scorching temperatures, close the blinds and cover up in loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing when you venture outdoors. Other tips are also pretty common sense: wear a hat and sunscreen, stay hydrated, seek air conditioning, stay in the shade when possible, cool off with a swim or shower, and save strenuous work or exercise for another day or coolest time. . Avoiding hot and heavy foods can help, as can avoiding using the oven. Also remember to never leave people or pets in a parked vehicle or in direct sunlight.

When it’s really hot, Dr. Brauer says fans don’t do much good.

“They don’t really cool you down,” he said. “Just blowing that dry air can actually, in many cases, increase your dehydration. Really, putting cold water on your body is the best thing you can do, aside from drinking cold fluids and drinking lots of cold water.”

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