How to Prepare for Board Meetings During Emergencies

When an emergency arises, board meetings must be handled carefully and effectively. There are a few key steps to ensure that board meetings run smoothly during a crisis. Let’s take a closer look at each of these so you can make sure your board meetings are successful during times of emergency.

Update Your Agenda Following The Incident or Crisis

When preparing for board meetings during emergencies, it is important to update your agenda following the incident or crisis. This will help you focus on the issues that need to be addressed to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently. This can also help you prioritize tasks that need to be completed in order to move forward with your plan of action.

Put Together a Crisis Management Team

In order to properly prepare for board meetings during emergencies, it is important to put together a crisis management team.

This team should include members who have experience dealing with crises as well as those who may not have experience but can still offer valuable insights into how best to address the situation. It is also important that this team is composed of people who are willing to take ownership of their tasks and collaborate with others on the team to get things done quickly and efficiently.

Have an Emergency Protocol in Place

Having an emergency protocol in place is essential when preparing for board meetings during times of crisis. This protocol should provide clear instructions on how best to handle different types of emergencies as well as how best to respond when they arise.

This protocol should also contain information about what resources are available (e.g., legal counsel, public relations experts) and any policies or procedures that need to be followed for the organization to remain compliant with applicable laws and regulations.

Properly Document Data and Information You Receive

During times of emergency, all data and information received by the organization must be properly documented so that it can be easily accessed later on if needed.

Proper documentation, such as board meeting minutes, will help ensure that the organization has accurate records of any decisions made during board meetings, so there is no confusion about what was agreed upon at each meeting. It is also important that this documentation adhere strictly to privacy policies, so all personal information remains confidential at all times.

Allow Time for Discussion

It is important when preparing for board meetings during emergencies that time is allowed for open discussion between members of the board so they can share their thoughts on how best to handle any given situation. Open dialogue between members will allow them to gain insight into different perspectives, which may lead them towards making better decisions regarding how best to handle any given crisis situation they may find themselves facing.

Having time set aside specifically for open discussion amongst members will ensure everyone feels heard and taken seriously within their roles within the organization’s decision-making process, which will ultimately lead to more successful resolutions overall during times of emergencies.

Have a Communications Strategy In Place

Finally, before beginning any kind of briefing or preparation ahead of an upcoming board meeting, it is important that you have a communications strategy already established prior, which outlines exactly how any sensitive information needs to be disseminated throughout different channels such as social media platforms or even just traditional news outlets like newspapers or TV broadcasts depending on where your target audience resides most frequently.

Having this kind of communication plan already established ahead of time ensures everyone involved understands what kind of messages need to be sent out through certain channels, so nothing gets overlooked or miscommunicated throughout different levels within said organization.                     


Preparing for board meetings during emergencies requires careful consideration and strategic planning beforehand in order to handle them efficiently once they begin taking place. By following these six simple steps outlined above—updating agendas after incidents occur, forming teams experienced in handling crises, having protocols outlining necessary procedures followed if needed, documenting data and info received accurately and securely, allowing adequate time open discussions amongst members, and establishing communication strategies prior—you’ll be well equipped make sure your next board meeting goes off without a hitch!

No matter what type of incident arises suddenly, your organization’s preparedness to handle them effectively will make all difference! So start planning today!

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