How to cover the Covid-19 pandemic, the periodicals in Mexico

The lack of specialization and periodic rigor in health matters is, in part, the person responsible for informing about the pandemic of Covid-19. Correct it is a deed that holds them information media for its readers, a study by the Iberoamerican University of Mexico City to announce the passing of March.

The project “Communicating the risk in situations of crisis (Covid-19): a program of diagnostics and capacitance for periodicals in public health and science matters ”, offers periodic specialization in the statistics of compressional sanitation, sanitary crisis coverage and correlation techniques of dates, documentation and investigation.

The final report of a survey applied to periodicals, one of the fifty parts of this research project, developed by the IBERO Investigation and Postgraduate Division, is published in Global Media Journal, academic review published by the Department of Psychology and Communication A&M International University, in Laredo, Texas, United States; and the Faculty of Science of the Communication of the New Leon Autonomous University, with the title “Periodism and Sanitary Crisis. Cómo los periodistas en México cubrieron y resintieron la pandemia por Covid-19 ”.

The other parts of the project are in accordance with five webinars with 3 plates each one for 70 periodicals from ten states; five conversations with once invited and also podcast episodes.

The consequences of alarmism

In agreement with the doctor Mireya Márquez Ramírez, responsible for the technique of the project “Capacitación en periodismo de salud y emergencias sanitarias” (CAPSES), since the pandemic commenced, notary that the periodicals that cover the informational conferences Hugo López-Gatell mostraban many difficulties in understanding the Centinela epidemiological model that the federal government elects to prevent the pandemic. It is as if the survey of capacitors is over so that the media will provide responsible information and avoid the alarms. “In other countries it has been demonstrated that when it covers its alarm systems, the people increase health services and reduce stress levels,” Márquez comments.

In Mexico, afirma, tendió a prevalecer la disinformation and the confusion — in part because the sanitary authorities do not have a unified message, but also because the messages from the ten major media vacancies that were generated in the past. “Scientific incidence is not bad,” said Marquez Ramirez. a war of numbers “. It is said that, as a good part of the world, the pandemic is becoming more and more prevalent, with the aggravation of having a little or no capacity for periodism, creating a cycle of conflict that is nutrition – and nutrition follows – and is different.

Mireya Márquez and his team decided to create a program that awaits this crisis of professionalization. Propose four objectives: diagnose the problem, attend to the necessities of capacity, intervene and support and, finally, design multimedia didactic materials, autogestivos and replicas for future contingencies from health and the fundamental game of paper.

The periodism without oxygen

To achieve the diagnosis, CAPSES took part in an unpublished national survey of its kind, in which 472 periodic participants from the 32 units of the country participated, with a large plurality of profiles – various types of work, labor status, gender, level of species which allows to extend more like the periodic body covering the pandemic, but also like the life and being affected by it.

As for the inquiry, Mireya Márquez concludes as of the most notorious date that, as of December 2020, one of every three periodicals has been infected by Covid. “Recordem los los periodicals are divided into camps and editorial staff, because practically all of the camps were exposed to contagion, if not contagiaron. This is explained by the fact that 45.3% say that they are presently displaced to their work place, and 34.1% carry out their work in places without protocols of high risk of contact. A visible example: the conferences of Dr. Hugo López-Gatell took the lead in a locked room, as the officer used to use cubrebocas “, refer the investigator

Of the interviewees interviewed, 50.2% answered that their medium does not have ten protocols to cover sanitary emergencies. The question, admits Márquez, should be more specific, since it does not clarify the existing protocols eran of rotation, capacity or including security team. The doctor creates that dichos protocols fueron insufficientes, sobre tode si is considered that 40% of the encuestados dijo tener familiarize que fallecieron por elenew coronavirus, o engfermaron de gravedad. Includes reports of people being treated who are accustomed to working.

Aunado a esto, la inquesta hello que la caro aumento para siete de cada dij periodistas, quienes enfrentaron más logisticals daficlates para desempenare en un deterioro in las laboris conditions in the form of salary records or performance. Casi 20% of those lost will lose their jobs during the pandemic. “The panorama is not a halo,” said Mireya Márquez. “The executives of the media do not mean that the social function of the periodism requires rigor and quality, for which it is necessary to observe material conditions, humanities and economics”. The precaution that is to characterize the body is profound, turning into anguish, punishment, estrus and preoccupation with its economic or labor situation, apunta.

Periodic work, entones, suffers in triplicate: due to its urgent nature, pandemic and precautionary measures. These diagnostic results give insights into the outer phases of the project, then the diagnostic colloquium on the CAPSES team in a more empathetic and supportive place with the body. “To be able to inform with rigor, hay que cuidarse primer”, in words by doctor Marquez.

Also learn who teaches

The second phase of intervention consisted of a series of webinars and conversations that benefited 72 periodicals, divided into 10 states, organized regularly by Quintana Roo and Yucatan; Puebla and Veracruz; Tabasco and Campeche; Oaxaca and Chiapas; and Hidalgo and Tlaxcala. Dichas capacitacions and conversatios a distance conteron con la colaboración de expertos en los temas a tratar, como Tania Valbuena, de la Colombian Associación Colombia de Periodismo Científico, Chani Guyot, del proyecto argentino Red / acción, Gustavo Faleiros, espionista braismileooopo Correa, editor of Salud y Ciencia en El Espectador y destacados mexicanic scientistosos como Rodrigo Pérez, Iván Carillo, Daniela Mendoza, Ginarely Valencia y la asesora de CAPSES, Aleida rueda, presidenta de red Mexicana de Periodistas de Ciencia. Among the plates we found at Mario Campa, of the University of Columbia, which contains plates on the interpretation of statistics on covid or the expert in data verification Luis Roberto Castrillón.

The conversationalists made a great effort to keep the CAPSES team decentralized in their own right “chilangocentrista“, explains Márquez Ramírez. Notary, for example, that the preoccupation with Tabasco and Campeche was not unequivocally addressed in the recent pandemic also in the aftermath of the November 2020 floods. “We do not have a pandemic, there are 32 differences”, said the investigator.

Finally, the team launched the podcast called The Clinic, with the collaboration of Ibero 90.9. Conducted by Lucano Romero Cárcamo, CAPSES Salute and Tallerista, the podcast consists of eight episodes that can be listened to in free form in this league and cover various topics such as the humanities of tragedies, the ethics of periodism hellothe verification of dates, the mental health of the periodicals and others.

Food chain

The success of CAPSES has a very clear morale: in order to tender points between academia and periodism, there is a need for empathic and solidarity-based solidarity between actors and actors. The activities that promote autocriticism, including catharsis, have had the most results that those “regained”, like the Márquez caliphate, which resulted in the quality relationship that Lucano Romero established with the assistants devino in a mayor confianza and aperture.

“The periodicals always have the time to reflect on their work,” Mireya explains. “Tienen que cumplir con la note diaria. Nuestros webinars fueron un Spacio para reconocere como sujetos fueron arrastrados por la propia ola la la pandemia”. Are you wondering how to get rid of the credentials of videos and publicity? o ¿deben diffundir imagenes de gente llorando o gritando ?, sólo pueden ser contestedas a de partitre de reflection de las y los participantes, sin impositions. “Ojalá los medios sepan ver esto algún día. A country like Mexico has been exposed to the virus for more information, ”said Dr. Marquez.

The final report can be read here.

(With information from IBERO)

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